the middle part of the embryonic kidney in vertebrates, becoming the adult kidney in fishes and amphibians and the epididymis in reptiles, birds, and mammals
See also pronephros, metanephros
Derived forms
mesonephric (ˌmesoˈnephric)
Word origin
C19: New Latin, from meso- + Greek nephros kidney
mesonephros in American English
(ˌmɛsəˈnɛfˌrɑs; ˌ mɛzəˈnɛfrɑs)
the excretory organ serving as the adult kidney of fishes and amphibians and as the embryonic kidney of higher vertebrates: the mesonephros and its duct develop into the epididymis and vas deferens in higher vertebrates
Derived forms
mesonephric (ˌmesoˈnephric)
Word origin
ModL < meso-, meso- + Gr nephros, kidney: see nephro-