释义 |
English translation of '活动' 动 - (= 运动)
take exercise (pt took) (pp taken) ⇒ 我想到公园活动活动。 (Wǒ xiǎng dào gōngyuán huódòng huódòng.) I'd like to go to the park for a spot of exercise.
- (= 行动)
operate ⇒ 黑帮常在该地区活动。 (Hēibāng cháng zài gāi dìqū huódòng.) The gang often operates in this area.
- (= 动用关系)
use connections ⇒ 她为逃脱责任到处活动。 (Tā wèi táotuō zérèn dàochù huódòng.) She used all the connections she could to get herself out of trouble.
名 -
activity ⇒ 文娱活动 (wényú huódòng) recreational activities