

单词 compare

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Examples of 'compare' in a sentence

But you cannot compare the two.It is a mystery beyond compare.Yet the battle in Manchester is a mere skirmish compared with the one which lies ahead.Third-quarter profits rose by 7 per cent compared with last year.It can't remember any big speeches in which anyone compared the two favourably.The average bonus rose by 10.7 per cent compared with a year earlier.Spending by businesses was 1.6 per cent lower compared with last year.When the researchers compared the two time periods they found a strong link between being upset or angry and having a heart attack.Its profit margin widened by 6 % compared with the same period in 2015 after cutting back on discounts.Here, their tenth album and first in six years, has songs that compare favourably with their best work.You think your experiences are anything compared to mine?Investors should read the small print this month and compare the periods covered.What are these like to live with and how do their resale values compare?Or we compare our valleys one with the other.Prices compare favourably with other luxury tented camps.Compare the two large pictures on these pages.Do you compare yourself unfavourably to others?To be sure of that is a gift beyond compare.Alternative formulations being examined can be compared.There are few experiences that compare to scuba diving.They compared the intrinsic value of the items being auctioned with the prices they actually sold for.Ambassadors were still providing a way for distant civilizations to meet and compare one another.Compare performance records but also think about how a fund might perform in the future given its approach.It's a good exercise to compare coaching teams in the same way as players.It had about 7 per cent more space during the period compared with the previous year.The costs compare badly, though. Good, compared with last season.Like-for-like sales were down 21% in January compared with a year ago.That is small beer compared to, say, electricity generation.In this respect Britain has failed badly compared to competitors: it has simply got less output from similar equipment or has misused equipment.

In other languages

British English: compare /kəmˈpɛə/ VERB
If you compare things, you consider them and discover the differences or similarities between them.
Compare the two illustrations on page 60.
  • American English: compare
  • Arabic: يُقَارِنُ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: comparar
  • Chinese: 比较
  • Croatian: usporediti
  • Czech: porovnat
  • Danish: sammenligne
  • Dutch: vergelijken
  • European Spanish: comparar
  • Finnish: verrata
  • French: comparer
  • German: vergleichen
  • Greek: συγκρίνω
  • Italian: paragonare
  • Japanese: 比較する
  • Korean: 비교하다
  • Norwegian: sammenlikne
  • Polish: porównać
  • European Portuguese: comparar
  • Romanian: a compara
  • Russian: сравнивать
  • Latin American Spanish: comparar
  • Swedish: jämföra
  • Thai: เปรียบเทียบ
  • Turkish: kıyaslamak
  • Ukrainian: порівнювати
  • Vietnamese: so sánh

Chinese translation of 'compare'




  1. 比较(較) (bǐjiào)


  1. to compare favourably/unfavourably (with sth/sb) 比得上/比不上(某物/某人) (bǐdeshang/bǐbùshang (mǒuwù/mǒurén))


  1. beyond or without compare (liter) 无(無)与(與)伦(倫)比 (wú yǔ lún bǐ)
to compare sb/sth with or to sth (= contrast) 将(將)某人/某物与(與)某物相比较(較) (jiāng mǒurén/mǒuwù yǔ mǒuwù xiāng bǐjiào)
to compare sb/sth to (= liken to) 把某人/某物比作 (bǎ mǒurén/mǒuwù bǐzuò)
compared with or to 与(與) ... 相比 (yǔ ... xiāngbǐ)
you can't compare ... 你不能将(將)相比 ... (nǐ bùnéng jiāng ... xiāngbǐ)
how does he compare with his predecessor? 和他前任比起来(來)他怎么(麼)样(樣)? (hé tā qiánrèn bǐ qǐlái tā zěnmeyàng?)
her garden can't compare with ours 她的花园(園)没(沒)法和我们(們)的相比 (tā de huāyuán méifǎ hé wǒmen de xiāngbǐ)

All related terms of 'compare'

to examine in order to observe resemblances or differences
Compare the two illustrations in Fig 60.
She contrasted the situation then with the present crisis.
We have to balance the costs of the project against the benefits.
We must weigh the pros and cons of each method.
set against

Phrasal verbs

See compare to something
See compare with something

Additional synonyms

in the sense of balance
to compare the relative weight or importance of
We have to balance the costs of the project against the benefits.
set against,
in the sense of weigh
We must weigh the pros and cons of each method.
place side by side

Synonyms of 'compare'


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