relating to, produced by, or characterized by metaplasia
Examples of 'metaplastic' in a sentence
Thus, in metaplastic cells, programming differentiation after intestinal phenotype will develop.
Sergii Vernygorodskyi 2016, 'Helicobacter pylori as a crucial factor in intestinal metaplasia development of gastricmucosa', Advances in Modern Oncology Research Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Behavioral paradigms are described that induce metaplastic effects within the spinal cord.
James W Grau, J Russell Huie, Kuan H Lee, Kevin C Hoy, Yung-Jen eHuang, Joel D Turtle,Misty M. Strain, Kyle M Baumbauer, Rajesh M Miranda, Michelle A Hook, Adam R Ferguson,Sandra M. Garraway 2014, 'Metaplasticity and Behavior: How Training and Inflammation Affect Plastic Potentialwithin the Spinal Cord and Recovery after Injury', Frontiers in Neural Circuits Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Hyperplastic or metaplastic changes of lining epithelium of the endometrial mucosa was observed.
Panchakshari Sankh, Ananda, K. J. and Manjunatha Prabhu, B.H. 2010, 'Induced aflatoxin and carbon tetrachloride toxicity on gravid uterus of rabbits AND#8211;A Patho-morphological Study', Veterinary World Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Metaplastic changes are known, but infrequent in these tumors.
Harsh Kumar, Mohamad Banyameen Iqbal, Archana Buch, Narayanan Panicker 2015, 'Extensive squamous metaplasia in a benign phyllodes tumor: A rare case report', Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil University;year=2015;volume=8;issue=3;spage=404;epage=406;aulast=Kumar. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The core needle biopsy material revealed an invasive adenocarcinoma with metaplastic change.
Minoru Fujino, Daisuke Mori, Michiaki Akashi, Hidetaka Yamamoto, Hitoshi Aibe, KunishigeMatake, Kengo Shirahane 2016, 'Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Breast Found during Treatment of Lymphoma', Case Reports in Oncology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Epithelial metaplastic areas in this context can progress to dysplasia and cancer.
Valeria Messina, Carla Buccione, Giulia Marotta, Giovanna Ziccheddu, Michele Signore,Gianfranco Mattia, Rossella Puglisi, Benedetto Sacchetti, Livia Biancone, Mauro Valtieri 2017, 'Gut Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Immunity', Stem Cells International Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Transitional cell differentiation in a metaplastic carcinoma has not been documented in the literature.
Hemalatha A, Rao Sudha, Nataraju G, Kumar B, Shashidhar H 2010, 'Metaplastic carcinoma of the breast-A rare neoplasm with transitional cell differentiation:An exceptional feature', Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology;year=2010;volume=53;issue=2;spage=356;epage=358;aulast=Hemalatha. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Meningothelial cells can rarely show separate secretory or lipomatous (metaplastic) transformation.
Purwa R Patil, Bhushan M Warpe, Vijay H Juvekar, Vidya Manohar 2017, 'Meningioma with the unique coexistence of secretory and lipomatous components: A casereport with immunohistochemical study', Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology;year=2017;volume=60;issue=3;spage=381;epage=384;aulast=Patil. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Metaplastic changes in the urothelium of the upper urinary tract are relatively infrequent.
Richard H. Siderits, Jared Fingerman, Anup Hazra, Cheryl Rimmer, Marc Colaco, NagyMikhail, Cristian Ardeleanu, Peter M. Mazari 2012, 'Renal Pelviceal Keratinizing Squamous Metaplasia with Sparing of Pyramidal Zones',Case Reports in Urology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
All medullary carcinomas and 55.6% of metaplastic carcinomas showed basal-like immunophenotype.
Cakir Asli, Gonul Ipek, Uluoglu Omer 2012, 'A comprehensive morphological study for basal-like breast carcinomas with comparisonto nonbasal-like carcinomas', Diagnostic Pathology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (