the procedure for admitting students to study at a college, university, or school
the tutor in charge of admissions
(as modifier)
an admissions policy
For further information contact the admissions manager.
the students admitted to an institution
Admissions have increased by 20% over the last five years.
University representatives have been visiting local schools in a bid to boost admissions.
Examples of 'admissions' in a sentence
He talked for several minutes with the attendant at the admissions desk, then waited while she checked the hospital's records.
A glance through the admissions register confirmed what I already remembered well enough: Angela James had been of no fixed address.
Pritchard, John NIGHT SISTERS
All related terms of 'admissions'
Admission is permission given to a person to enter a place, or permission given to a country to enter an organization . Admission is also the act of entering a place.
dual admissions
a system whereby students attaining less good marks than what is required are offered a place provided they successfully complete another course first to improve some aspect of their work
open admissions
the policy or practice of allowing students to enroll in a college or university without regard to their previous academic preparation
director of admissions
a member of a university staff who is in overall charge of admissions to the university and its courses
early admission
a plan for admission to colleges in the US, in which students apply to colleges earlier in the year than is customary and receive their results earlier too
Medical College Admissions Test
a test that people wishing to study medicine in the USA must pass in order to be admitted
general admission
admission for usually unreserved seats , as in a theater, stadium , etc.
Universities and Colleges Admissions Service
the central organization that processes applications for full-time undergraduate courses at universities and colleges in the UK (since 1993)
Universities Central Council on Admissions
(from 1961 to 1993 when the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service was established ) the central organization that processes applications for full-time undergraduate courses at universities and colleges in the UK