Word forms: comparative safer, superlative safest, plural safes
1. adjective
Something that is safe does not cause physical harm or danger.
Officials arrived to assess whether it is safe to bring emergency food supplies intothe city.
Most foods that we eat are safe for birds.
...a safe and reliable birth control option.
...a programme to make nuclear reactors safer.
2. adjective [verb-link ADJECTIVE]
If a person or thing is safefrom something, they cannot be harmed or damaged by it.
In the future people can go to a football match knowing that they are safe from hooliganism. [+ from]
There are lots of gadgets you can install to make your home safer.
3. adjective [verb-link ADJECTIVE]
If you are safe, you have not been harmed, or you are not in danger of being harmed.
Where is Sophy? Is she safe?
A baby boy is safe after rescue workers pulled him from a 12-foot-deep constructionhole.
Synonyms: all right, fine, intact, unscathed More Synonyms of safe
safelyadverb [ADVERB with verb]
All 140 guests were brought out of the building safely by firefighters.
4. adjective
A safe place is one where it is unlikely that any harm, damage, or unpleasant things will happen to the people or things that are there.
Many refugees have fled to safer areas.
The elimination of all nuclear weapons would make the world a safer place.
We shall take the treasure away to a safe place.
safelyadverb [ADVERB after verb]
The banker keeps the money tucked safely under his bed.
5. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
If people or things have a safe journey, they reach their destination without harm, damage, or unpleasant things happening to them.
'I'm heading back home for the weekend.'—'Have a safe journey.'
...the U.N. plan to deploy 500 troops to ensure the safe delivery of food and othersupplies.
safelyadverb [ADVERB with verb, ADV adv]
The space shuttle returned safely today from a 10-day mission.
Once Mrs Armsby was safely home, she called the police again.
6. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
If you are at a safe distance from something or someone, you are far enough away from them to avoid any danger, harm, or unpleasant effects.
I shall conceal myself at a safe distance from the battlefield.
He thinks he can find a way to vaccinate the elephants from a safe distance.
Synonyms: cautious, prudent, sure, conservative More Synonyms of safe
7. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE]
If something you have or expect to obtain is safe, you cannot lose it or be prevented from having it.
We as consumers need to feel confident that our jobs are safe before we will spendspare cash.
Is the National Health Service safe with the Conservative party?
Rovers made the game safe with a spectacular second goal in the 84th minute.
Synonyms: risk-free, sound, secure, certain More Synonyms of safe
8. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
A safe course of action is one in which there is very little risk of loss or failure.
Electricity shares are still a safe investment.
Baldwin called the 1935 election a year early to get the country behind rearmament- not the politically safe option.
We reveal only as much information as we can safely risk at a given time.
9. adjective
If you disapprove of something because you think it is not very exciting or original, you can describe it as safe.
...frustrated artists who became lawyers at an early age because it seemed a safeoption.
Rock'n'roll has become so commercialised and safe since punk.
Synonyms: boring, routine, dull, old More Synonyms of safe
10. adjective
If it issafeto say or assume something, you can say it with very little risk of being wrong.
It is safe to say that some students make no effort to do quality work in school.
The only safe assumption is that the world's financial markets will have to findsolutions themselves.
safelyadverb [ADVERB before verb]
If I go to a grocer I know and trust, I can safely assume the eggs will be fresh.
I think you can safely say she will not be appearing in another of my films.
11. graded adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE, usu ADJwith n]
If you say to someone that their secret is safewith you, you are promising not to tell it to anyone.
Don't worry, Mr Palin, your secret is safe with me.
12. countable noun
A safe is a strong metal cupboard with special locks, in which you keep money, jewellery, or other valuable things.
The files are now in a safe to which only he has the key.
Synonyms: strongbox, vault, coffer, repository More Synonyms of safe
13. See also safely
See in safe hands / safe in someone's hands
See safe as houses
See make somewhere safe for something
See to play safe
See to be on the safe side
See it's better to be safe than sorry
See safe and sound
21. a safe pair of hands
22. safe in the knowledge
More Synonyms of safe
safe in British English
affording security or protection from harm
a safe place
2. (postpositive)
free from danger
you'll be safe here
secure from risk; certain; sound
a safe investment
a safe bet
worthy of trust; prudent
a safe companion
tending to avoid controversy or risk
a safe player
unable to do harm; not dangerous
a criminal safe behind bars
water safe to drink
7. British informal
8. on the safe side
in a safe condition
the children are safe in bed now
10. play safe
a strong container, usually of metal and provided with a secure lock, for storing money or valuables
a small ventilated cupboard-like container for storing food
13. US and Canadian a slang word for condom
Derived forms
safely (ˈsafely)
safeness (ˈsafeness)
Word origin
C13: from Old French salf, from Latin salvus; related to Latin salus safety
safe in American English
adjectiveWord forms: ˈsafer or ˈsafest
free from damage, danger, or injury; secure
having escaped danger or injury; unharmed
giving protection
involving no risk
no longer dangerous; unable to cause trouble or damage
safe in jail
taking no risks; prudent; cautious
said of persons
5. US, Baseball
having reached a base without being put out
a container or box, capable of being locked and usually of metal, in which to store valuables
any compartment, box, etc. for storing food, etc.
a meat safe
8. Slang
a condom
SYNONYMY NOTE: safe implies freedom from damage, danger, or injury or from the risk of damage, etc. [is it safe to leave?]; secure, often interchangeable with , safe, is now usually applied to something about which there is no need to feel apprehension[he is secure in his job]
OPPOSITES: dangerous, precarious
Derived forms
safely (ˈsafely)
safeness (ˈsafeness)
Word origin
ME sauf < OFr < L salvus, akin to salus, health, sound condition < IE base *solo-, whole, well-preserved > Gr holos, whole, Sans sarva, unharmed, whole
safe in Hospitality
Word forms: (regular plural) safes
(Hospitality (hotel): Hotel room, bedroom)
A safe is a strong metal cabinet with special locks, in which you keep money, jewelry, orother valuable things.
Always put your passport in the hotel safe.
The reception is open 24 hours and there is a safe available for guests' valuables.
The guests' valuables are in a safe to which only the manager has the key.
More idioms containing
a safe pair of hands
in safe hands
play it safe
safe as houses
be on the safe side
Examples of 'safe' in a sentence
What is this country coming to when residents are not safe from harm in care homes?
The Sun (2015)
The site is very secure and safe.
The Sun (2014)
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure.
Christianity Today (2000)
The man demanded that he fill a holdall with money from the safe before fleeing.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
We feel safer now and hope it will continue.
The Sun (2008)
Get them to switch to something rather safer.
The Sun (2013)
We all just want to be safe.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
We wanted to make employees feel safe to talk.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
We urge people to keep their valuables out of sight and preferably locked in a safe.
The Sun (2008)
You have to know where the dangerous spots are and play safe.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Would it not be fun to leave those safe spaces and risk having your mind changed?
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
We will make it safe and strong.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
This is a natural process and it is safe to eat.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Her parents still hope she will return to them safe and sound.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
We always play safe in these situations.
The Sun (2015)
What is the human cost of keeping us safe?
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Not many, it is safe to say.
The Times Literary Supplement (2011)
If you want to play safe, cut down on the amount of salt you eat.
Wallace, Louise M & Bundy, Christine Coping with Angina (1990)
When you have won, your medal goes into the cupboard or the safe in the bank.
The Sun (2011)
Better safe than sorry
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: safe /seɪf/ ADJECTIVE
Something that is safe does not cause physical harm or danger.
We must try to make our roads safer.
American English: safe
Arabic: آمِن
Brazilian Portuguese: seguro
Chinese: 安全的
Croatian: siguran
Czech: bezpečný
Danish: sikker
Dutch: veilig
European Spanish: seguro salvo
Finnish: turvallinen
French: hors de danger
German: sicher
Greek: ασφαλής
Italian: sicuro
Japanese: 安全な
Korean: 안전한
Norwegian: trygg
Polish: bezpieczny
European Portuguese: seguro
Romanian: sigur
Russian: безопасный
Latin American Spanish: seguro exento de todo peligro
Swedish: säker tryggt
Thai: ปลอดภัย
Turkish: güvenli
Ukrainian: безпечний
Vietnamese: an toàn
British English: safe /seɪf/ NOUN
A safe is a strong metal cupboard with special locks, in which you keep money, jewellery, or other valuable things.
He's the only one with a key to the safe.
American English: safe
Arabic: خَزِينَة
Brazilian Portuguese: cofre
Chinese: 保险柜
Croatian: sef
Czech: sejf
Danish: pengeskab
Dutch: kluis
European Spanish: caja fuerte
Finnish: kassakaappi
French: coffre-fort
German: Safe
Greek: χρηματοκιβώτιο
Italian: cassaforte
Japanese: 金庫
Korean: 금고
Norwegian: safe
Polish: sejf
European Portuguese: cofre
Romanian: seif
Russian: сейф
Latin American Spanish: caja fuerte
Swedish: kassaskåp
Thai: ตู้นิรภัย
Turkish: kasa
Ukrainian: сейф
Vietnamese: cái két sắt
All related terms of 'safe'
Something that is fail-safe is designed or made in such a way that nothing dangerous can happen if a part of it goes wrong .
meat safe
a container where meat is stored
play safe
to act in a way least likely to cause danger , controversy , or defeat
safe area
If part of a country that is involved in a war is declared to be a safe area , neutral forces will try to keep peace there so that it is safe for people.
safe seat
In politics , a safe seat is an area in which the candidate from one particular party nearly always wins by a large number of votes .
safe sex
Safe sex is sexual activity in which people protect themselves against sexually transmitted diseases, usually by using condoms.
night safe
a safe built into the outside wall of a bank , in which customers can deposit money at times when the bank is closed
not harmful to the ozone layer ; using substances that do not produce gases harmful to the ozone layer
safe assets
The assets of a company or a person are all the things that they own.
a person who uses explosives to open safes and rob them
safe haven
If part of a country is declared a safe haven , people who need to escape from a dangerous situation such as a war can go there and be protected .
safe house
You can refer to a building as a safe house when it is used as a place where someone can stay and be protected . Safe houses are often used by spies , criminals , or the police .
safe option
An option is something that you can choose to do in preference to one or more alternatives .
safe period
the period during the menstrual cycle when conception is considered least likely to occur
safe space
a place or forum where people can openly discuss controversial subjects without fear of reprisal
a person who breaks open and robs safes
safe conduct
If you are given safe conduct , the authorities officially allow you to travel somewhere , guaranteeing that you will not be arrested or harmed while doing so.
a person who breaks open and robs safes
a place or building with facilities for the safe storage of money or valuables
safe distance
The distance between two points or places is the amount of space between them.
safe harbour
a place that offers protection from the weather , attack, etc
safe landing
A landing is an act of bringing an aircraft or spacecraft down to the ground.
safe passage
If someone is given safe passage , they are allowed to go somewhere safely, without being attacked or arrested .
safe surfing
the practice of using security measures to protect one's computer while surfing the internet
Coolgardie safe
a cupboard with wetted hessian walls for keeping food cool : used esp in Australia
play it safe
to not take any risks
in safe hands
being cared for by a competent person or organization and therefore not likely to be harmed or damaged
safe and sound
You say that someone is safe and sound when they are still alive or unharmed after being in danger .
safe as houses
If you say that something or someone is as safe as houses , you mean that they are completely safe.
on the safe side
as a precaution
position is safe
A position in a company or organization is a job .
safe deposit box
A safe deposit box is a small box, usually kept in a special room in a bank , in which you can store valuable objects .
An ovenproof dish is one that has been specially made to be used in an oven without being damaged by the heat .
be on the safe side
to do something as a precaution , although it is unlikely to be necessary
safe in the knowledge
If you do something safe in the knowledge that something else is the case , you do the first thing confidently because you are sure of the second thing.
a good bet
If you tell someone that something is a good bet , you are suggesting that it is the thing or course of action that they should choose .
to play safe play it safe
If you play safe or play it safe , you do not take any risks .
a good bet/a safe bet
If you say that it is a good bet or a safe bet that something is true or will happen , you are saying that it is extremely likely to be true or to happen.
a safe pair of hands
If you say that someone is or has a safe pair of hands , you mean that they are reliable and will not make any serious mistakes .
to be on the safe side
If you say you are doing something to be on the safe side , you mean that you are doing it in case something undesirable happens , even though this may be unnecessary .
in safe hands / safe in someone's hands
If you say that a person or thing is in safe hands , or is safe in someone's hands , you mean that they are being looked after by a reliable person and will not be harmed .
make somewhere safe for something
If someone tries to make a place safe for a particular activity, they try to make the place suitable for that activity, although their efforts may have very undesirable effects .
safety-deposit box
a box or safe for storing money or valuables securely
it's better to be safe than sorry better safe than sorry
If you say ' it's better to be safe than sorry ', you are advising someone to take action in order to avoid possible unpleasant consequences later , even if this seems unnecessary .