the largest island of Denmark, separated from the island of Funen by the Great Belt and from S Sweden by the Sound (both now spanned by road bridges). Chief town: Copenhagen. Pop: 2 096 449 (2003 est). Area: 7016 sq km (2709 sq miles)
Danish name: Sjælland. German name: Seeland
Zealand in American English
largest island of Denmark, between Jutland & Sweden: 2,702 sq mi (6,998 sq km); chief city, Copenhagen
All related terms of 'Zealand'
New Zealand
an independent country within the Commonwealth , occupying two main islands (the North Island and the South Island), Stewart Island, the Chatham Islands, and a number of minor islands in the SE Pacific : original Māori inhabitants ceded sovereignty to the British government in 1840; became a dominion in 1907; a major world exporter of dairy products, wool , and meat . Official languages: English and Māori. Religion : Christian majority , nonreligious and Māori minorities . Currency : New Zealand dollar . Capital: Wellington . Pop: 4 705 818 (2017 est). Area: 270 534 sq km (104 454 sq miles)
New Zealand ash
a New Zealand evergreen tree, Alectryon excelsus , with a spreading crown and glossy green leaves
New Zealand pigeon
a large fruit-eating native pigeon , Hemiphagia novaeseelandiae , of forest areas
New Zealand on Air
the operational name for the New Zealand Broadcasting Commission
New Zealand fur seal
an Australasian seal , Arctocephalus forsteri
New Zealand greenstone
a variety of nephrite from New Zealand , used as a gemstone
New Zealand pepper tree
a bushy New Zealand shrub, Pseudowintera colorata , with red aromatic peppery leaves. It possesses antifungal and antibacterial properties
a large fruit-eating native pigeon , Hemiphagia novaeseelandiae , of forest areas
an Australasian seal , Arctocephalus forsteri
southern fur seal
an Australasian seal , Arctocephalus forsteri
a New Zealand evergreen tree, Alectryon excelsus , with a spreading crown and glossy green leaves
a bushy New Zealand shrub, Pseudowintera colorata , with red aromatic peppery leaves. It possesses antifungal and antibacterial properties