If there is concordancebetween two things, they are similar to each other or consistent with each other.
...a partial concordance between theoretical expectations and empirical evidence. [+ between]
2. countable noun
A concordance is a list of the words in a text or group of texts, with information about where in the text each word occurs and how often it occurs. The sentences each word occurs in are often given.
concordance in British English
a state or condition of agreement or harmony
a book that indexes the principal words in a literary work, often with the immediate context and an account of the meaning
an index produced by computer or machine, alphabetically listing every word in a text
an alphabetical list of subjects or topics
concordance in American English
agreement; harmony
an alphabetical list of the chief words used in a book or by a writer, with the passages in which they occur identified or cited
Word origin
ME concordaunce < OFr concordance < ML concordantia < L concordans, prp. of concordare, to agree < concors: see concord