Microfilm is film that is used for photographing information and storing it in a reduced form.
microfilm in British English
a strip of film of standard width on which books, newspapers, documents, etc, can be recorded in miniaturized form
to photograph (a page, document, etc) on microfilm
See also microfiche
microfilm in American English
film on which documents, printed pages, etc. are photographed in a reduced size for convenience in storage and transportation: enlarged prints can be made from such film, or the film can be viewed by projection
reproduction on microfilm
verb transitive, verb intransitive
to photograph on microfilm
Examples of 'microfilm' in a sentence
They've got one of these machines that has newspapers on microfilm going back to the turn of the century.
Adams, N I.O.U. - SOMEONE HAS TO PAY (2002)
Years ago part of Adam's holiday job had been to help file back issues, which were eventually transferred to microfilm.
Stuart Harrison LOST SUMMER (2002)
Amanda returned to the microfilm projector and threaded in another spool, which contained an early reference to Pedro Aragon.