the second longest river in Africa, rising as the Lualaba on the Katanga plateau in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and flowing in a wide northerly curve to the Atlantic: forms the border between Congo-Brazzaville and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Length: about 4800 km (3000 miles). Area of basin: about 3 000 000 sq km (1 425 000 sq miles)
Former Zaïrese name (1971–97): Zaïre
4. a variant spelling of Kongo
Congo in American English
river in central Africa, flowing through Democratic Republic of the Congo into the Atlantic: 2,718mi (4,374 km)
Democratic Republic of the Congocountry in central Africa, on the equator: 905,365 sq mi (2,344,886 sq km); pop. 29,671,000; cap. Kinshasa: formerly Belgian Congo (1908-60); Congo (1960-71); Zaire (1971-97)
Republic of the Congocountry in WC Africa, west of Democratic Republic of the Congo: 131,978 sq mi (341,822 sq km); pop. 1,909,000;cap. Brazzaville: formerly People's Republic of the Congo (1970-90)
Derived forms
Congolese (ˌCongoˈlese) (ˌkɑŋgəˈliz)
adjective, noun
congo in American English
In other languages
British English: Congo /ˈkɒŋɡəʊ/ NOUN
The Congo is a republic in south central Africa.
American English: Congo
Arabic: الكونغو
Brazilian Portuguese: Congo
Chinese: 刚果
Croatian: Kongo
Czech: Kongo
Danish: Congo
Dutch: Kongo
European Spanish: Congo
Finnish: Kongo
French: Congo
German: Kongo
Greek: Κονγκό
Italian: Congo
Japanese: コンゴ
Korean: 콩고
Norwegian: Kongo
Polish: Kongo
European Portuguese: Congo
Romanian: Congo
Russian: Конго
Latin American Spanish: Congo
Swedish: Kongo
Thai: ประเทศคองโก
Turkish: Kongo
Ukrainian: Конго
Vietnamese: nước Congo
All related terms of 'Congo'
Congo dye
any of certain azo dyes , derived mainly from benzidine
congo eel
an aquatic salamander , Amphiuma means, having an eel-like body with gill slits and rudimentary limbs and inhabiting still , muddy waters in the southern US: family Amphiumidae
Congo red
a brownish-red soluble powder , used as a dye , a diagnostic indicator , a biological stain , and a chemical indicator. Formula: C 32 H 22 N 6 O 6 S 2 Na 2
a branch of the Niger-Congo family of African languages, consisting of the Bantu languages together with certain other languages of W Africa
a family of languages of Africa consisting of the Bantu languages together with most of the languages of the coastal regions of West Africa. The chief branches are Benue-Congo (including Bantu), Kwa , Mande , and West Atlantic
Belgian Congo
former Belgian colony (1908-60) in central Africa: now the country of Democratic Republic of the Congo
Middle Congo
one of the four territories of former French Equatorial Africa, in W central Africa: became an autonomous member of the French Community , as the Republic of the Congo , in 1958
the second longest river in Africa, rising as the Lualaba on the Katanga plateau in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and flowing in a wide northerly curve to the Atlantic : forms the border between Congo-Brazzaville and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Length: about 4800 km (3000 miles). Area of basin : about 3 000 000 sq km (1 425 000 sq miles)
the second longest river in Africa, rising as the Lualaba on the Katanga plateau in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and flowing in a wide northerly curve to the Atlantic : forms the border between Congo-Brazzaville and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Length: about 4800 km (3000 miles). Area of basin : about 3 000 000 sq km (1 425 000 sq miles)
→ Niger-Kordofanian
Congo Free State
the second longest river in Africa, rising as the Lualaba on the Katanga plateau in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and flowing in a wide northerly curve to the Atlantic : forms the border between Congo-Brazzaville and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Length: about 4800 km (3000 miles). Area of basin : about 3 000 000 sq km (1 425 000 sq miles)
Republic of the Congo
a republic in W Central Africa: formerly the French colony of Middle Congo , part of French Equatorial Africa, it became independent in 1960; consists mostly of equatorial forest , with savanna and extensive swamps ; drained chiefly by the Rivers Congo and Ubangi . Official language: French. Religion : Christian majority . Currency : franc . Capital: Brazzaville . Pop: 5 260 750 (2017 est). Area: 342 000 sq km (132 018 sq miles)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
a republic in S central Africa, with a narrow strip of land along the Congo estuary leading to the Atlantic in the west: Congo Free State established in 1885, with Leopold II of Belgium as absolute monarch ; became the Belgian Congo colony in 1908; gained independence in 1960, followed by civil war and the secession of Katanga (until 1963); President Mobutu Sese Seko seized power in 1965; declared a one-party state in 1978, and was overthrown by rebels in 1997. The country consists chiefly of the Congo basin , with large areas of dense tropical forest and marshes , and the Mitumba highlands reaching over 5000 m (16 000 ft) in the east. Official language: French. Religion: Christian majority , animist minority . Currency: Congolese franc . Capital: Kinshasa . Pop: 81 339 988 (2017 est). Area: 2 344 116 sq km (905 063 sq miles)
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
a republic in S central Africa, with a narrow strip of land along the Congo estuary leading to the Atlantic in the west: Congo Free State established in 1885, with Leopold II of Belgium as absolute monarch ; became the Belgian Congo colony in 1908; gained independence in 1960, followed by civil war and the secession of Katanga (until 1963); President Mobutu Sese Seko seized power in 1965; declared a one-party state in 1978, and was overthrown by rebels in 1997. The country consists chiefly of the Congo basin , with large areas of dense tropical forest and marshes , and the Mitumba highlands reaching over 5000 m (16 000 ft) in the east. Official language: French. Religion : Christian majority , animist minority . Currency : Congolese franc . Capital: Kinshasa . Pop: 81 339 988 (2017 est). Area: 2 344 116 sq km (905 063 sq miles)