a white crystalline slightly water-soluble substance with a sweet taste and bitter aftertaste, used in the manufacture of aspirin, dyes, and perfumes, and as a fungicide. Formula: C6H4(OH)(COOH)
Word origin
C19: from salicyl (via French from Latin salix a willow + -yl) + -ic
salicylic acid in British English
white crystalline substance with a sweet taste and a bitter aftertaste
See full dictionary entry for salicylic
salicylic acid in American English
a white, crystalline compound, HOC6H4COOH, prepared from salicin or phenol and used in the manufacture of aspirin, as a food preservative and mild antiseptic, etc.
Word origin
salicyl (radical of the acid) < Fr salicyle < L salix (see salicin) + Fr -yle, -yl + -ic