...extra staff and consequential costs such as accommodation.
2. adjective
Something that is consequential is important or significant.
This new transformation is at least as consequential as that one was.
From a medical standpoint, a week is usually not a consequential delay.
Synonyms: important, serious, significant, grave More Synonyms of consequential
More Synonyms of consequential
consequential in British English
important or significant
self-important; conceited
following as a consequence; resultant, esp indirectly
consequential loss
▶ USAGE Although both consequential and consequent can refer to something which happens as the result of something else, consequent is more common in this sense in modern English: the new measures were put into effect, and the consequent protest led to the dismissalof those responsible
Derived forms
consequentiality (ˌconseˌquentiˈality) or consequentialness (ˌconseˈquentialness)