

单词 considering

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Examples of 'considering' in a sentence

It becomes possible to walk without considering it a small miracle.But he was considering sending her over to Freedom Africa instead, then getting her to report back to us.Hollis looked at the young man, considering the likelihood that the woman with the swollen liver had been his mother.He was a plumber, which seemed unfortunately ironic considering his numerous infidelities.

In other languages

British English: considering /kənˈsɪdərɪŋ/ PREPOSITION
You use considering to show that you haven't forgotten an important fact.
Considering the time, I think we'll have to wait until tomorrow.
  • American English: considering
  • Arabic: بِالنَّظَرِ إِلى
  • Brazilian Portuguese: levando em conta
  • Chinese: 鉴于
  • Croatian: s obzirom na
  • Czech: vzhledem k
  • Danish: i betragtning af
  • Dutch: gezien
  • European Spanish: teniendo en cuenta
  • Finnish: jonkin huomioon ottaen
  • French: étant donné
  • German: in Anbetracht
  • Greek: δεδομένου ότι
  • Italian: considerando
  • Japanese: ・・・を考慮すると
  • Korean: ...을 고려하면
  • Norwegian: med tanke på
  • Polish: rozważając
  • European Portuguese: levando em conta
  • Romanian: ținând cont de
  • Russian: учитывая
  • Latin American Spanish: teniendo en cuenta
  • Swedish: med tanke på
  • Thai: เมื่อพิจารณาถึง
  • Turkish: göz önünde tutarak
  • Ukrainian: щодо
  • Vietnamese: tính đến

Chinese translation of 'considering'




  1. 考虑(慮)到 (kǎolǜ dào)


  1. considering (that) ... 考虑(慮)到 ... (kǎolǜ dào ... )




  1. (= think about) 考虑(慮) (kǎolǜ)
    ⇒ They are having a meeting to consider the report. 他们在开会考虑这份报告。 (Tāmen zài kāihuì kǎolǜ zhè fèn bàogào.)
  2. (= take into account) 考虑(慮)到 (kǎolǜ dào)
    ⇒ You have to consider the feelings of others. 你需要考虑到其他人的感觉。 (Nǐ xūyào kǎolǜ dào qítā rén de gǎnjué.)
  3. (= believe)
    to consider sb (to be) an idiot/a coward etc 认(認)为(為)某人是傻子/胆(膽)小鬼 (rènwéi mǒurén shì shǎzi/dǎnxiǎoguǐ děng)
    to consider doing sth 考虑(慮)做某事 (kǎolǜ zuò mǒushì)
    all things considered 考虑(慮)到各个(個)方面 (kǎolǜ dào gè gè fāngmiàn)
    they consider themselves (to be) superior/happy 他们(們)认(認)为(為)自己高人一等/开(開)心 (tāmen rènwéi zìjǐ gāo rén yī děng/kāixīn)
    she considered it a disaster 她认(認)为(為)这(這)是个(個)灾(災)难(難) (tā rènwéi zhè shì gè zāinàn)
taking (a specified fact) into account
The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal.
taking into account
in the light of
bearing in mind
in view of
keeping in mind
taking into consideration
taking into account the circumstances
I think you've got off very lightly, considering.
all things considered
all in all
taking everything into consideration
taking everything into account

Synonyms of 'considering'


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