any of a class of strong tough steels that contain a low quantity of carbon (0.1–0.25 per cent)
mild steel in Automotive Engineering
(maɪld stil)
(Automotive engineering: Materials)
Mild steel is a type of low-carbon steel that is widely used for vehicle bodywork and chassis construction.
Some new alloys have the properties of nearly the same stiffness and strength ofmild steel.
Mild steel contains iron with small amounts of carbon, and it is used for car bodies.
Much of the sheet metal used in vehicles today is mild steel, which can be safely welded, heat shrunk, and cold worked without seriously affectingits strength.
Examples of 'mild steel' in a sentence
mild steel
And old Grant had added mild steel frames of his own and installed one of these new-fangled diesels -- a 44 hp Gardner, I remember.