Samizdat referred to a system in the former USSR and Eastern Europe by which books and magazines forbidden by the state were illegally printed by groups who opposed the state.
...a publisher specialising in samizdat literature.
samizdat in British English
(Russian səmizˈdat)
noun(in the former Soviet Union)
a system of clandestine printing and distribution of banned or dissident literature
(as modifier)
a samizdat publication
Word origin
C20: from Russian, literally: self-published
samizdat in American English
a system by which manuscripts denied official publication in the Soviet Union were circulated clandestinely in typescript or in mimeograph form, or were smuggled out for publication abroad
manuscripts distributed in this way
Word origin
Russ, lit., self-published < samo-, self (for IE base see same) + izdat', to publish < iz-, from, out of + dat', to give (see dacha)