Control of an organization , place, or system is the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run .
control mark
to command , direct, or rule
controlled drug
a drug whose sale is illegal except through prescribed medical channels
regulated by law to control the rent a landlord can charge for domestic accommodation and to guarantee a landlord's right to evict tenants
Someone who is self-controlled is able to not show their feelings or not do the things that their feelings make them want to do.
regulated , operated, or restrained successfully or strictly
A controlled-release drug or preparation is released into the body in specified amounts over a specified period of time.
A radio-controlled device works by receiving radio signals which operate it.
A remote-controlled machine or device is controlled from a distance by the use of radio or electronic signals .
controlled by the government
controlled by computers, esp without direct human intervention
controlled explosion
the deliberate detonation of an explosive device under strictly controlled circumstances
controlled substance
a drug regulated by the Federal Controlled Substances Acts, including opiates , depressants, stimulants , and hallucinogens
calorie-controlled diet
a diet that restricts a person to a limited number of calories per day
radio-controlled junction
A radio-controlled junction is a piece of equipment used to control underground pipelines which connect oil tanks .
silicon-controlled rectifier
a semiconductor rectifier whose forward current between two electrodes , the anode and cathode , is initiated by means of a signal applied to a third electrode, the gate . The current subsequently becomes independent of the signal. It is a type of thyristor
control an environment
Someone's environment is all the circumstances , people, things, and events around them that influence their life.
numerical control
a form of computer control applied to machine tools , by which an operation is directed from numerical data stored on tape or punched on cards