Advancement is progress in your job or in your social position.
He cared little for social advancement.
Synonyms: promotion, rise, gain, growth More Synonyms of advancement
2. variable noun
The advancementof something is the process of helping it to progress or the result of its progress.
..her work for the advancement of the status of women. [+ of]
Synonyms: progress, advance, headway, forward movement More Synonyms of advancement
advancement in British English
promotion in rank, status, etc; preferment
2. a less common word for advance (sense 10), advance (sense 11)
3. property law
the use during a testator's lifetime of money or property for the benefit of a child or other person who is a prospective beneficiary in the testator's will
advancement in American English
(ædˈvænsmənt; ədˈvænsmənt)
an advancing or being advanced
promotion, as to a higher rank
progress or improvement; furtherance
4. Law
money or property given as an advance share in the estate of a person who later dies without making a will: it is deducted from the total share of the recipient in the intestate's estate
Examples of 'advancement' in a sentence
Then there is career advancement.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The law also supports the advancement of scientific and technological means of managing hazardous wastes.
McKenzie, James F. & Pinger, Robert R. An Introduction to Community Health (1995)
Players who confused an increase in the bank balance with a reciprocal advancement in their careers.
The Sun (2006)
They include the relief of poverty and the advancement of education.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
They are no longer about social advancement but educational excellence.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
In this environment social advancement is impossible.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
The success of our programmes is to some extent linked with economic advancement of that section of society as well.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
But she is at the stage when a plaster is a badge of bravery and a small price for scientific advancement.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
His "new covenant" and "bridge to the future "suggested support for both personal responsibility and economic advancement.
Christianity Today (2000)
Career advancement comes down to serendipity.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The game's ruling elite have seen their position as a passport to personal advancement.
The Sun (2015)
Chambers's victories earned him personal advancement.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
But MBAs are not a magic pill for career advancement.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
In many cases, the social costs of advancement outweigh the intellectual benefits.
Steinberg, Laurence & Levine, Ann You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20 (1990)
The company feeds this need with training opportunities - for both advancement in work and in personal skills.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
You're approaching a period where social commitments and the possibility of advancement in your career is concerned.
The Sun (2015)
The middle decades of the nineteenth century were a time not only of prosperity but also of social advancement for industrial capitalists all around.
Overbeek, Henk Global Capitalism and National Decline (1989)
No one knows what proportion of these unions are influenced by career advancement, but it may be considerable.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
You've put a lot of effort into things recently and you can almost taste the offer of advancement in the career zone.
The Sun (2015)
For generations the UK has been a global leader in scientific advancement and discovery.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Hours are very flexible Caring for older or disabled people can be both physically and mentally demanding but it also presents opportunities for career advancement.
The Sun (2009)
Careers are about personal advancement when the purpose of an MP is to represent hisconstituency and the nation at large.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
And with the technological advancement of dyes, which are conditioning rather than damaging, there is no reason to surrender to the ageing process.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
They work on the premise that the majority of geopolitical incidents haven't stopped the onward march of economic integration and advancement for very long, if at all.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Word lists with
Property law terms
In other languages
British English: advancement NOUN
Advancement is progress in your job or in your social position.
He cared little for social advancement.
American English: advancement
Brazilian Portuguese: progresso
Chinese: 晋升
European Spanish: ascenso
French: avancement
German: Aufstieg
Italian: progresso
Japanese: 昇進
Korean: 승진
European Portuguese: progresso
Latin American Spanish: ascenso
1 (noun)
promotion in rank or status
He cared little for social advancement.
rewarding outstanding employees with promotion
They celebrated the regime's rise to power.
House prices showed a gain of nearly 8% in June.
enormous economic growth
They clocked up a worldwide sales advance of 27 per cent.
The two sides made little progress towards agreement.
The doctors say they are pleased with her progress.
the dramatic improvements in conditions
His research is for the betterment of humankind.
He was told by the governors that he could expect no further preferment.
a demand for amelioration of conditions
2 (noun)
her work for the advancement of the status of women
The road was too rough for further progress in the car.
These two vaccines are a huge advance for preventing cancer.
Police were making little headway in the investigation.
forward movement
onward movement
Additional synonyms
in the sense of advance
They clocked up a worldwide sales advance of 27 per cent.
in the sense of advance
improvement or progress
These two vaccines are a huge advance for preventing cancer.