an alkali feldspar that is a high-temperature glassy form of orthoclase in flat, tabular crystals, found in lavas and dykes. Formula: KAlSi3O8
Word origin
C19: from German, from Greek sanis, sanidos a board
sanidine in American English
(ˈsænɪˌdin, -dɪn)
a glassy, often transparent variety of orthoclase in which sodium may replace as much as 50 percent of the potassium: forms phenocrysts in some igneous rocks
Derived forms
sanidinic (ˌsænɪˈdɪnɪk)
Word origin
[1805–15; ‹ G Sanidin, equiv. to Gk sanid- (s. of sanís plank) + G -in-ine2]This word is first recorded in the period 1805–15. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: Indo-European, alpaca, diminishing returns, napoleon, phase-ine is a suffix, of no assignable meaning, appearing in nouns of Greek, Latin, or Frenchorigin. Other words that use the affix -ine include: doctrine, famine, routine
Examples of 'sanidine' in a sentence
The latest post-caldera lavas are trachytic, with clean sanidine phenocrysts without disequilibrium textures.
Irene R Hernando, Eduardo J Llambías, Pablo D González, Kei Sato 2012, 'Volcanic stratigraphy and evidence of magma mixing in the Quaternary Payún Matrú volcano,andean backarc in western Argentina Estratigrafía volcánica y evidencia de mezclade magmas en el volcán Payún Matrú del Cuaternario, en el retroarco andino de Argentinaoccidental', Andean Geology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
We have registered the presence of globular structures, consisting of sanidine and interstitial glass.
S. V. Pribavkin 2017, 'Southern Urals lamproites: the problems of terminology, age, and geodynamic interpretation', Литосфера Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The stability of phenocryst compositions, including that of sanidine and biotite, indicates that both bentonites originate from a single eruption.
Sven Siir, Toivo Kallaste, Tarmo Kiipli, Rutt Hints 2015, 'Internal stratification of two thick Ordovician bentonites of Estonia: decipheringprimary magmatic, sedimentary, environmental and diagenetic signatures', Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (