the right to use and derive profit from a piece of property belonging to another, provided the property itself remains undiminished and uninjured in any way
Derived forms
usufructuary (ˌusuˈfructuary)
noun, adjective
Word origin
C17: from Late Latin ūsūfrūctus, from Latin ūsus use + frūctus enjoyment
usufruct in American English
(ˈjuzjʊˌfrʌkt; ˈjusjʊˌfrʌkt)
Roman and Civil
the right to use the property of another for a period of time with the obligation to return it or leave it undamaged or unimpaired
Word origin
LL usufructus < L ususfructus < usus, a use + fructus, enjoyment, UNRESOLVED CROSS REF