

单词 thermostat

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Examples of 'thermostat' in a sentence

Your smart thermostat can already learn your habits and adjust the temperature accordingly.The company is making it easier for relatives to have access to smart thermostats, to check the temperature.I also installed a smart thermostat to cut down consumption, so there may be more savings ahead.So next week Money Test will examine whether smart thermostats are worth it.Both systems have a thermostat to control temperature.After fights over the central heating thermostat and the great duvet war comes energy saving.Now the most common entry point is a reasonably priced smart thermostat or lighting.The most cost-effective measure was a central heating thermostat.TURN the central heating thermostat down.After a public confrontation with the janitor over a thermostat setting, the trustee was asked to come to the next elder board meeting.Easy wins include turning out lights, switching off air conditioning when the heating is on and turning theheating thermostat down by one degree.The Nest thermostat is the most popular smart thermostat in the UK.

In other languages

British English: thermostat /ˈθɜːməˌstæt/ NOUN
A thermostat is a device that switches a system or motor on or off according to the temperature. Thermostats are used, for example, in central heating systems and fridges.
  • American English: thermostat
  • Arabic: جِهَازٌ لِتَنْظِيمِ الـحَرَارَة
  • Brazilian Portuguese: termostato
  • Chinese: 温控器
  • Croatian: termostat
  • Czech: termostat
  • Danish: termostat
  • Dutch: thermostaat
  • European Spanish: termostato
  • Finnish: termostaatti
  • French: thermostat
  • German: Thermostat
  • Greek: θερμοστάτης
  • Italian: termostato
  • Japanese: サーモスタット
  • Korean: 자동 온도 조절기
  • Norwegian: termostat
  • Polish: termostat
  • European Portuguese: termóstato
  • Romanian: termostat
  • Russian: термостат
  • Latin American Spanish: termostato
  • Swedish: termostat
  • Thai: เครื่องตัดกระแสไฟฟ้า
  • Turkish: termostat
  • Ukrainian: термостат
  • Vietnamese: thiết bị ổn nhiệt

Chinese translation of 'thermostat'



n (c)

  1. 恒(恆)温(溫)器 (héngwēnqì) (个(個), )




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