(ˌkɔːtɪkəʊˈtrəʊfɪn) or corticotropin (ˌkɔːtɪkəʊˈtrəʊpɪn)
another name for adrenocorticotrophic hormone, ACTH
adrenocorticotrophic hormone in British English
the full name of ACTH
ACTH in British English
adrenocorticotrophic hormone; a polypeptide hormone, secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, that stimulates growth of the adrenal gland and the synthesis and secretion of corticosteroids. It is used in treating rheumatoid arthritis, allergic and skin diseases, and many other disorders
Also called: corticotrophin
ACTH in British English
adrenocorticotrophic hormone; a polypeptide hormone, secreted by the anterior lobeof the pituitary gland, that stimulates growth of the adrenal gland and the synthesisand secretion of corticosteroids. It is used in treating rheumatoid arthritis, allergicand skin diseases, and many other disorders
Also called: corticotrophin
Examples of 'corticotrophin' in a sentence
Endocrinological investigation showed corticotrophin deficiency and central hypothyroidism treated with specific replacement therapies.
V. Ramistella, M. Wasniewska, M. Valenzise, D. Corica, S. Cantucci, E. Pitrolo, M.Romeo, F. De Luca 2013, 'A not very essential obesity: the Rohhad Syndrome. Description of two cases and reviewof the literature', La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgicahttp://www.pediatrmedchir.org/index.php/pmc/article/view/40. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
Direct stimulation of the pituitary corticotroph with corticotrophin-releasing hormone enhances the sensitivity of the procedure.
Benedetta Zampetti, Erika Grossrubatscher, Paolo Dalino Ciaramella, Edoardo Boccardi,Paola Loli 2016, 'Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling', Endocrine Connectionshttp://www.endocrineconnections.com/content/5/4/R12.full. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
The results show that prenatal caffeine ingestion significantly decreased the expression of fetal hypothalamus corticotrophin-releasing hormone.
Dan Xu, Benjian Zhang, Gai Liang, Jie Ping, Hao Kou, Xiaojun Li, Jie Xiong, DongcaiHu, Liaobin Chen, Jacques Magdalou, Hui Wang 2012, 'Caffeine-induced activated glucocorticoid metabolism in the hippocampus causes hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalaxis inhibition in fetal rats.', PLoS ONEhttp://europepmc.org/articles/PMC3435254?pdf=render. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)