Saint. 354–430 ad, one of the Fathers of the Christian Church; bishop of Hippo in North Africa (396–430), who profoundly influenced both Catholic and Protestant theology. His most famous works are Confessions, a spiritual autobiography, and De Civitate Dei, a vindication of the Christian Church. Feast day: Aug 28
Saint. died 604 ad, Roman monk, sent to Britain (597 ad) to convert the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity and to establish the authority of the Roman See over the native Celtic Church; became the first archbishop of Canterbury (601–604). Feast day: May 26 or 27
a member of an Augustinian order
Augustine in American English1
(ˈɔgəsˌtin; əˈgʌstɪn; ɔˈgʌsˌtɪnn)
a masculine name: var. Austin, Augustin; equiv. Ger. & Fr. Augustin, It. Agostino
Word origin
L Augustinus, dim. of Augustus1
Augustine in American English2
(ˈɔgəsˌtin; əˈgʌstɪn; ɔˈgʌsˌtɪnn)
Saint( a.d. 354-430); early Christian church father, born in Numidia: bishop of Hippo in N Africa: his day is Aug. 28
Saint(died a.d. 604); Rom. monk sent to convert the English to Christianity: 1st archbishop of Canterbury:his day is May 27