any of the units that together comprise skeletal muscle
sarcomere in American English
any of the segments making up the fibrils of striated muscles
Word origin
sarco- + -mere
sarcomere in American English
any of the segments of myofibril in striated muscle fibers
Word origin
[1890–95; sarco- + -mere]This word is first recorded in the period 1890–95. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: blanket roll, bootstrap, cholesterol, historicism, masochismsarco- is a combining form meaning “flesh,” used in the formation of compound words. Otherwords that use the affix sarco- include: sarcoadenoma, sarcocarp, sarcology, sarcophagous, sarcophile
Examples of 'sarcomere' in a sentence
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy belongs to a group of hereditary diseases due to sarcomere gene mutation.
V. Yu. Zimina, G. V. Mislitskaya, S. A. Sayganov, S. D. Dzakhova 2014, 'RARE CASES OF HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY: VARIANTS AND CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS', Racionalʹnaâ Farmakoterapiâ v Kardiologii Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Moreover, our system enables accurate measurement of sarcomere length in the isolated heart.
Fuyu Kobirumaki-Shimozawa, Kotaro Oyama, Takahiro Serizawa, Akari Mizuno, TatsuyaKagemoto, Togo Shimozawa, Shin'ichi Ishiwata, Satoshi Kurihara, Norio Fukuda 2012, 'Sarcomere Imaging by Quantum Dots for the Study of Cardiac Muscle Physiology', Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The molecular mechanisms concerning sarcomere assembly are poorly understood.
Arnab Nayak, Alfredo J. Lopez-Davila, Ekaterini Kefalakes, Tim Holler, Theresia Kraft,Mamta Amrute-Nayak 2019, 'Regulation of SETD7 Methyltransferase by SENP3 Is Crucial for Sarcomere Organizationand Cachexia', Cell Reports Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Dystrophic diaphragms had shorter sarcomere lengths than age-matched controls.
Catherine C Henry, Kyle S Martin, Bridget B Ward, Geoffrey G Handsfield, Shayn M Peirce,Silvia S Blemker 2017, 'Spatial and age-related changes in the microstructure of dystrophic and healthy diaphragms.',PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Sixth, thin filaments should be oppositely oriented in relation to the sarcomere middle.
Ludmila Skubiszak 2011, 'Geometrical Conditions Indispensable for Muscle Contraction', International Journal of Molecular Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This coincided with reduced cardiomyocyte sarcomere shortening.
Ralph Lohner, Markus Schwederski, Carolin Narath, Johanna Klein, Georg D. Duerr, AlexandraTorno, Pascal Knuefermann, Andreas Hoeft, Georg Baumgarten, Rainer Meyer, Olaf Boehm 2013, 'Toll-Like Receptor 9 Promotes Cardiac Inflammation and Heart Failure during PolymicrobialSepsis', Mediators of Inflammation Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
We characterize growth through a single scalar-valued internal variable, the serial sarcomere number.
Alexander M Zöllner, Oscar J Abilez, Markus Böl, Ellen Kuhl 2012, 'Stretching skeletal muscle: chronic muscle lengthening through sarcomerogenesis.',PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Sarcomere disassembly was concurrent with the dissolution of the nuclear envelope.
Xiaohu Fan, Bryan G. Hughes, Mohammad A. M. Ali, Woo Jung Cho, Waleska Lopez, RichardSchulz 2015, 'Dynamic Alterations to α-Actinin Accompanying Sarcomere Disassembly and Reassemblyduring Cardiomyocyte Mitosis', PLOS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0129176. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
The variables were: soleus muscle weight, length, serial sarcomeres number and sarcomere length.
Evandro Augusto Boian Konno, Éder Paulo Belato Alves, Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini,Cláudio Henrique Barbieri, Nilton Mazzer 2008, 'Remobilização por alongamento estático cíclico em músculo sóleo de ratos imobilizadosem encurtamento Remobilization by cycle static stretching in soleus muscle of ratsimmobilized in shortening position', Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Sarcomere length was longer in tibialis anterior in hypertonic kits than in controls.
Sylvia Synowiec, Jing Lu, Lei Yu, Ivan Goussakov, Richard Lieber, Alexander Drobyshevsky 2019, 'Spinal Hyper-Excitability and Altered Muscle Structure Contribute to Muscle Hypertoniain Newborns After Antenatal Hypoxia-Ischemia in a Rabbit Cerebral Palsy Model', Frontiers in Neurology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (