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( juː tɪlaɪz )
Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense utilizes , present participle utilizing , past tense , past participle utilized regional note: in BRIT, also use utilise verb If you utilize something, you use it.
[ formal] Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings. [ VERB noun]
Minerals can be absorbed and utilized by the body in a variety of different forms. [ be VERB -ed]
Synonyms: use, employ, deploy, take advantage of More Synonyms of utilize
utilization ( juː tɪlaɪzeɪ ʃə n ) uncountable noun [ oft noun NOUN ] ...the utilisation of human resources. [ + of ]
...land utilization on large farms.
utilize in British English or utilise ( ˈjuːtɪˌlaɪz )
verb ( transitive) to make practical or worthwhile use of
Derived forms
utilizable ( ˈutiˌlizable) or utilisable ( ˈutiˌlisable) adjective
utilization ( ˌutiliˈzation) or utilisation ( ˌutiliˈsation) noun
utilizer ( ˈutiˌlizer) or utiliser ( ˈutiˌliser) noun
utilize in American English ( ˈjutə lˌaɪz )
verb transitive Word forms: ˈutiˌlized or ˈutiˌlizing to put to use; make practical or profitable use of
Derived forms
utilizable ( ˈutiˌlizable) adjective
utilization ( ˌutiliˈzation) noun
utilizer ( ˈutiˌlizer) noun
Word origin
utiliser : see utile & -ize
Examples of 'utilize' in a sentence utilize
`Anyway, as you're so young, maybe we can utilize your recent education. His life's work- and the work of those who followed him - was to utilize the structures of language in order to model those But as it is, we have been able to let him utilize and further expand his expertise in controlling and programming the human mind. In other languages utilize
British English :
utilize VERB If you utilize something, you use it.
Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings.
American English : utilize Brazilian Portuguese : utilizar Chinese : 利用 European Spanish : utilizar French : utiliser German : verwenden Italian : utilizzare Japanese : 利用する Korean : 활용하다 European Portuguese : utilizar Latin American Spanish : utilizar Chinese translation of 'utilize' utilize (ˈjuːtɪlaɪz) (frm)
to make practical or worthwhile use of
Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques.
take advantage of
resort to
make the most of
make use of
put to use
bring into play
have recourse to
avail yourself of
turn to account
Additional synonyms Definition
to organize (troops or resources) into a position ready for immediate and effective action
He said he had no intention of deploying ground troops.
use ,
station ,
set up ,
position ,
arrange ,
set out ,
dispose ,
utilize ,
spread out ,
distribute Definition
to use as a means
the approaches and methods we employed in this study
use ,
apply ,
exercise ,
exert ,
make use of ,
utilize ,
ply ,
bring to bear ,
put to use ,
bring into play ,
avail yourself of