a large island country, situated between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific: a former British colony, now an independent member of the Commonwealth, constitutional links with the United Kingdom formally abolished in 1986; consists chiefly of a low plateau, mostly arid in the west, with the basin of the Murray River and the Great Dividing Range in the east and the Great Barrier Reef off the NE coast. Language: English; Aboriginal languages also spoken. Religion: Christian majority. Currency: Australian dollar. Capital: Canberra. Pop: 24 446 341 (2017 est). Area: 7 682 300 sq km (2 966 150 sq miles)
Australia in American English
island continent in the Southern Hemisphere between the S Pacific and Indian oceans
country comprising this continent and Tasmania: a member of the Commonwealth: 2,970,000 sq mi (7,682,000 sq km); pop. 16,800,000; cap. Canberra
: official name Commonwealth of Australia
Word origin
ModL < L (terra) australis, southern (land): see austral
Australia is a country located between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific.
American English: Australia
Arabic: اُسْتُراليا
Brazilian Portuguese: Austrália
Chinese: 澳大利亚
Croatian: Australija
Czech: Austrálie
Danish: Australien
Dutch: Australië
European Spanish: Australia
Finnish: Australia
French: Australie
German: Australien
Greek: Αυστραλία
Italian: Australia
Japanese: オーストラリア
Korean: 호주
Norwegian: Australia
Polish: Australia
European Portuguese: Austrália
Romanian: Australia
Russian: Австралия
Latin American Spanish: Australia
Swedish: Australien
Thai: ประเทศออสเตรเลีย
Turkish: Avustralya
Ukrainian: Австралія
Vietnamese: nước Úc
All related terms of 'Australia'
Australia Day
a public holiday in Australia , commemorating the landing of the British in 1788: observed on January 26
New Australia
the colony on socialist principles founded by William Lane in Paraguay in 1893
South Australia
a state of S central Australia , on the Great Australian Bight : generally arid , with the Great Victoria Desert in the west central part, the Lake Eyre basin in the northeast , and the Flinders Ranges , Murray River basin, and salt lakes in the southeast . Capital: Adelaide . Pop: 1 650 600 (2013 est). Area: 984 395 sq km 380 070 (sq miles)
Australia antigen
an antigen present in the blood of some persons with one form of hepatitis
Western Australia
a state of W Australia: mostly an arid undulating plateau , with the Great Sandy Desert , Gibson Desert, and Great Victoria Desert in the interior ; settlement concentrated in the southwest ; rich mineral resources . Capital: Perth . Pop: 2 517 200 (2013 est). Area: 2 527 636 sq km (975 920 sq miles)
Order of Australia
an order awarded to Australians for outstanding achievement or for service to Australia or to humanity at large; established in 1975
White Australia policy
an unofficial term for an immigration policy designed to restrict the entry of people from non-White ethnic groups into Australia
Commonwealth of Australia
a large island country, situated between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific : a former British colony , now an independent member of the Commonwealth , constitutional links with the United Kingdom formally abolished in 1986; consists chiefly of a low plateau , mostly arid in the west, with the basin of the Murray River and the Great Dividing Range in the east and the Great Barrier Reef off the NE coast. Language: English; Aboriginal languages also spoken. Religion : Christian majority . Currency : Australian dollar . Capital: Canberra . Pop: 24 446 341 (2017 est). Area: 7 682 300 sq km (2 966 150 sq miles)