Australian means belonging or relating to Australia, or to its people or culture.
She went solo backpacking for eight months in the Australian outback.
2. countable noun
An Australian is someone who comes from Australia.
Australian in British English
a native or inhabitant of Australia
the form of English spoken in Australia
a linguistic phylum consisting of the languages spoken by the native Australians
of, relating to, or characteristic of Australia, the Australians, or their form of English
of, relating to, or belonging to the phylum of languages spoken by the native Australians
of or denoting a zoogeographical region consisting of Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, New Guinea, and the Moluccas
Australian in American English
(ɔˈstreɪliən; ɔˈstreɪljən)
of Australia or its people
designating or of the biogeographic realm that includes Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea
a person born or living in Australia
Word lists with
Language Groups
In other languages
British English: Australian /ɒˈstreɪlɪən/ ADJECTIVE
Australian means belonging or relating to Australia, or to its people or culture.
...the Australian outback.
American English: Australian
Arabic: اُسْتُراليّ
Brazilian Portuguese: australiano
Chinese: 澳大利亚的
Croatian: australski
Czech: australský
Danish: australsk
Dutch: Australisch
European Spanish: australiano
Finnish: australialainen
French: australien
German: australisch
Greek: αυστραλέζικος
Italian: australiano
Japanese: オーストラリアの
Korean: 호주의
Norwegian: australsk
Polish: australijski
European Portuguese: australiano
Romanian: australian
Russian: австралийский
Latin American Spanish: australiano
Swedish: australisk
Thai: ที่เกี่ยวกับออสเตรเลีย
Turkish: Avustralya
Ukrainian: австралійський
Vietnamese: thuộc nước/người/tiếng Úc
British English: Australian /ɒˈstreɪlɪən/ NOUN
An Australian is someone who comes from Australia.
American English: Australian
Arabic: اُسْتُراليّ
Brazilian Portuguese: australiano
Chinese: 澳大利亚人
Croatian: Australac
Czech: Australan
Danish: australier
Dutch: Australiër
European Spanish: australiano
Finnish: australialainen henkilö
French: Australien
German: Australier
Greek: Αυστραλός
Italian: australiano
Japanese: オーストラリア人
Korean: 호주 사람
Norwegian: australier
Polish: Australijczyk
European Portuguese: australiano
Romanian: australian
Russian: австралиец
Latin American Spanish: australiano
Swedish: australier
Thai: ชาวออสเตรเลีย
Turkish: Avustralyalı
Ukrainian: австралієць
Vietnamese: người Úc
Definition of 'Australian'
All related terms of 'Australian'
Australian Alps
a mountain range in SE Australia , in E Victoria and SE New South Wales . Highest peak : Mount Kosciuszko, 2228 m (7310 ft)
Australian Mist
a breed of medium-sized cat with a short spotted or marbled coat
Australian pine
→ casuarina
New Australian
an immigrant to Australia , esp one whose native tongue is not English
Australian ballot
an official ballot listing candidates for election to public office and issues, levies, etc., distributed inside the polling place to be marked by the voter in secret : it originated in Australia and is widely used in the U.S.
Australian crane
a large grey Australian crane , Grus rubicunda , having a red-and-green head and a trumpeting call
Australian crawl
a stroke in which the feet are kicked like paddles while the arms reach forward and pull back through the water
Australian kelpie
one of an Australian breed of medium-sized sheep-herding dogs having a short, harsh , straight coat in a combination of colors that can include black, red, tan , fawn , chocolate , or smoke blue, probably developed by crossbreeding between the border collie and dingo
Australian Rules
a game resembling rugby football , played in Australia between teams of 18 players each on an oval pitch , with a ball resembling a large rugby ball. Players attempt to kick the ball between posts (without crossbars ) at either end of the pitch, scoring six points for a goal (between the two main posts) and one point for a behind (between either of two outer posts and the main posts). They may punch or kick the ball and run with it provided that they bounce it every ten yards
Australian salmon
a large food and game fish of Australian and New Zealand coastal waters , Arripis trutta, that is greenish grey to silvery underneath and spotted with brown : resembles a salmon but is in fact a marine perch
Australian salute
a movement of the hand and arm made to brush flies away from one's face
Australian terrier
a small wire-haired breed of terrier similar to the cairn
South Australian
of or relating to the state of South Australia or its inhabitants
Australian Tiffanie
a breed of cat with semi-long hair, having a white undercoat with the ends coloured
Indigenous Australian
another name for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Australian cattle dog
a compact strongly-built dog of a breed with pricked ears and a smooth bluish-grey coat, often used for controlling and moving cattle
Indo-Australian Plate
a major tectonic division of the earth's crust , comprising India and the Australian continent and adjacent suboceanic basins (the Tasman , South Australian, Mid-Indian, Cocos , and Australian basins); separated from the Eurasian Plate by the Java Trench , from the Pacific Plate by the Tonga-Kermadec Trench, and from the African Plate by a series of mid-ocean ridges (the Carlsberg, Mid-Indian, and Southeast Indian ridges)
Australian silky terrier
a small compact variety of terrier with pricked ears and a long straight silky coat
Great Australian Bight
a wide bay of the Indian Ocean , in S Australia , extending from Cape Pasley to the Eyre Peninsula : notorious for storms
Australian Capital Territory
a territory of SE Australia , within New South Wales : consists of two exclaves , one containing Canberra , the capital of Australia, and one at Jervis Bay (the latter sometimes regarded as a separate entity ). Pop: 373 100 (2012 est)
Australian snubfin dolphin
a species of dolphin , Orcaella heinsohni , with a small stubby dorsal fin , a dark dorsal area, lighter brown body and white underbelly , found mainly in Australian waters
Australian Antarctic Territory
the area of Antarctica , other than Ad é lie Land , that is claimed by Australia (claims are suspended under the Antarctic Treaty ), lying south of latitude 60°S and between longitudes 45° E and 160°E
the Bight
the major indentation of the S coast of Australia , from Cape Pasley in W Australia to the Eyre Peninsula in S Australia
a large grey Australian crane , Grus rubicunda , having a red-and-green head and a trumpeting call
When you crawl , you move forward on your hands and knees.
a large food and game fish of Australian and New Zealand coastal waters , Arripis trutta, that is greenish grey to silvery underneath and spotted with brown : resembles a salmon but is in fact a marine perch
native companion
a large grey Australian crane , Grus rubicunda , having a red-and-green head and a trumpeting call
blue cattle dog
an Australian breed of dog with a bluish coat, developed for herding cattle