A cracker is a thin, crisp biscuit which is often eaten with cheese.
2. countable noun
If you say that someone or something is a cracker, you like and admire them very much.
[British, informal]
She's a cracker.
'Dude' is a cracker of an album. [+ of]
3. countable noun
A cracker is a hollow cardboard tube covered with coloured paper. Crackers make a loud noise when they are pulled apart and usually contain a small toy and a paper hat. In Britainthey are used mainly at Christmas.
...a Christmas cracker.
4. adjective [verb-link ADJECTIVE]
If you say that someone is crackers, you think they are crazy or are behaving as if they are crazy.
[British, informal]
They looked at her as though she was crackers.
cracker in British English
a decorated cardboard tube that emits a bang when pulled apart, releasing a toy, a joke, or a paper hat
2. short for firecracker
a thin crisp biscuit, usually unsweetened
a person or thing that cracks
5. US offensive another word for poor White
6. British slang
a thing or person of notable qualities or abilities
7. not worth a cracker
cracker in American English
a person or device that cracks
a firecracker
a little paper roll used as a favor at parties: it contains a trinket or candy, and bursts with a popping noise when the ends are pulled
a thin, crisp wafer or biscuit
5. US
poor white
contemptuous term
6. [usuallyC-]; Informal
a person born or living in Florida or Georgia
, a humorous usage
Word origin
< , crack1 verb intransitive; sense cracker (sense 5) < earlier sense “braggart, boaster”
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: cracker /ˈkrækə/ NOUN
A cracker is a thin crisp savoury biscuit.
American English: cracker
Arabic: نَوْعٌ مِنْ البَسْكويت
Brazilian Portuguese: bolacha salgada
Chinese: 饼干
Croatian: kreker
Czech: krekr
Danish: kiks
Dutch: cracker
European Spanish: galleta salada
Finnish: voileipäkeksi
French: biscuit salé
German: Kräcker
Greek: κράκερ
Italian: cracker
Japanese: クラッカー
Korean: 크래커
Norwegian: kjeks
Polish: krakers
European Portuguese: bolacha salgada
Romanian: biscuite crocant
Russian: крекер
Latin American Spanish: petardo
Swedish: panggrej
Thai: ขนมปังกรอบไม่หวาน
Turkish: kraker
Ukrainian: крекер
Vietnamese: bánh quy giòn
All related terms of 'cracker'
cat cracker
a unit in an oil refinery in which mineral oils with high boiling points are converted to fuels with lower boiling points by a catalytic process
cracker feed
Cracker feed is the raw materials used in different cracking processes.
Cracker Jack
a confection of sweet, glazed popcorn and peanuts
cracker joke
A joke is something that is said or done to make you laugh , for example a funny story.
Cracker State
Georgia (used as a nickname )
cream cracker
Cream crackers are crisp dry biscuits which are eaten with cheese.
matzo cracker
a brittle very thin biscuit of unleavened bread, traditionally eaten during Passover
prawn cracker
a puffy savoury crisp made from rice flour and prawn flavouring , served with Chinese food
a person who breaks open and robs safes
soda cracker
A soda cracker is a thin, square, salty biscuit.
water cracker
a thin crisp plain biscuit , usually served with butter or cheese
animal cracker
a sweet or savoury biscuit in the shape of an animal
rural ; rustic ; homespun
graham cracker
a type of semi-sweet biscuit made from graham flour
oyster cracker
a type of salted soda cracker usually eaten with oyster dishes
catalytic cracker
a unit in an oil refinery in which mineral oils with high boiling points are converted to fuels with lower boiling points by a catalytic process
Christmas cracker
a decorated cardboard tube that emits a bang when pulled apart , releasing a toy , a joke , or a paper hat .
cracker capacity
The cracker capacity is the amount of a particular product which a refinery can produce.
crude oil cracker
A crude oil cracker is the part of a refinery and the equipment used for changing crude oil to its fractions , using heat and pressure .