Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense advocates, present participle advocating, past tense, past participle advocatedpronunciation note: The verb is pronounced (ædvəkeɪt). The noun is pronounced (ædvəkət).
1. verb
If you advocate a particular action or plan, you recommend it publicly.
Mr Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business. [VERB noun]
...the tax policy advocated by the Opposition. [VERB-ed]
Synonyms: recommend, support, champion, encourage More Synonyms of advocate
2. countable noun
An advocateof a particular action or plan is someone who recommends it publicly.
He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system. [+ of]
Synonyms: supporter, spokesman or woman or person, champion, defender More Synonyms of advocate
3. countable noun
An advocate is a lawyer who speaks in favour of someone or defends them in a court of law.
[law] lawyer
4. countable noun
An advocate for a particular group is a person who works for the interests of that group.
...advocates for the charity. [+ for]
5. See also devil's advocate
More Synonyms of advocate
advocate in British English
verb (ˈædvəˌkeɪt)
1. (tr; may take a clause as object)
to support or recommend publicly; plead for or speak in favour of
noun (ˈædvəkɪt, -ˌkeɪt)
a person who upholds or defends a cause; supporter
a person who intercedes on behalf of another
a person who pleads a client's cause in a court of law
See also barrister, solicitor, counsellor
5. Scots law the usual word for barrister
Derived forms
advocatory (ˌadvoˈcatory)
Word origin
C14: via Old French from Latin advocātus legal witness, advocate, from advocāre to call as witness, from vocāre to call
advocate in American English
(ˈædvəkɪt; for v., ˈædvəˌkeɪt)
a person who pleads another's cause; specif., a lawyer
a person who speaks or writes in support of something
an advocate of lower taxes
verb transitiveWord forms: ˈadvoˌcated or ˈadvoˌcating
to speak or write in support of; be in favor of
Derived forms
advocator (ˈadvoˌcator)
Word origin
ME advocat, avocat < L advocatus, a counselor < advocare, to summon (for aid) < ad-, to + vocare, to call
Examples of 'advocate' in a sentence
I could become a champion of adverbs, an advocate of adjectives.
Alex George LOVE YOU MADLY (2002)
`I have to tell you that the court will appoint a public advocate to represent your son, should he persist in this foolishness.
O'Connor, Joe DESPERADOES (2002)
It was clear that they already felt she was an advocate of the `prisoners'.
Olivia Goldsmith INSIDERS (2002)
Word lists with
Scots law terms
In other languages
British English: advocate VERB
If you advocate a particular action or plan, you recommend it publicly.
He is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business.
American English: advocate
Brazilian Portuguese: defender
Chinese: 提倡
European Spanish: abogar por
French: recommander
German: befürworten
Italian: sostenere
Japanese: 支持する
Korean: 지지하다
European Portuguese: defensor
Latin American Spanish: abogar por
British English: advocate NOUN
An advocate of a particular action or plan is someone who recommends it publicly.
He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system.
American English: advocate
Brazilian Portuguese: advogado
Chinese: 倡议者
European Spanish: abogado
French: défenseur
German: Rechtsanwalt
Italian: sostenitore
Japanese: 擁護者
Korean: 지지자
European Portuguese: advogado
Latin American Spanish: abogado
All related terms of 'advocate'
Lord Advocate
(in Scotland ) the chief law officer of the Crown who acts as public prosecutor and is in charge of the administration of criminal justice
Advocate Depute
a Scottish law officer with the functions of public prosecutor
judge advocate
an officer who superintends proceedings at a military court martial
consumer advocate
consumerist (sense 1 )
devil's advocate
If you play devil's advocate in a discussion or debate , you express an opinion which you may not agree with but which is very different to what other people have been saying , in order to make the argument more interesting .
judge advocate general
the civil adviser to the Crown on matters relating to courts martial and on military law generally
judge advocates general
the civil adviser to the Crown on matters relating to courts martial and on military law generally