a principality in SW Europe, on the Mediterranean and forming an enclave in SE France: the second smallest sovereign state in the world (after the Vatican); consists of Monaco-Ville (the capital) on a rocky headland, La Condamine (a business area and port), Monte Carlo (the resort centre), and Fontvieille, a light industrial area. Language: French. Religion: Roman Catholic. Currency: euro. Pop: 38 695 (2017 est). Area: 189 hectares (476 acres)
▶ Related adjective: Monegasque
Monaco in American English
(ˈmɑnəkoʊ; məˈnɑkoʊ)
country in S Europe on the Mediterranean: an independent principality & an enclave in SE France: .75 sq mi (1.9 sq km); pop. 30,000
its capital, a commune
Derived forms
Monacan (ˈMonacan); məˈnɑkən
adjective, noun
Word lists with
country, currency, inhabitant
In other languages
British English: Monaco /ˈmɒnəˌkəʊ; məˈnɑːkəʊ/ NOUN
Monaco is a country in south-west Europe, on the Mediterranean.