Monetarism is an economic policy that involves controlling the amount of money that is available and in use in a country at any one time.
monetarism in British English
the theory that inflation is caused by an excess quantity of money in an economy
an economic policy based on this theory and on a belief in the efficiency of free market forces, that gives priority to achieving price stability by monetary control, balanced budgets, etc, and maintains that unemployment results from excessive real wage rates and cannot be controlled by Keynesian demand management
Derived forms
monetarist (ˈmonetarist)
noun, adjective
monetarism in American English
a theory which holds that economic stability and growth result from maintaining a steady rate of growth in the supply of money
Word lists with
Economics schools and theories
In other languages
British English: monetarism NOUN
Monetarism is an economic policy that involves controlling the amount of money that is available and in use in a country at any one time.