单词 | down |
释义 | down1 of 8adverb ˈdau̇n 1 a(1) : toward or in a lower physical position Don't look down. Pull down the blind. (2) : to a lying or sitting position Please sit down. (3) : toward or to the ground, floor, or bottom burned the house down fell down b : as a down payment paid $10 down c : on paper put down what he says 2 : in a direction that is the opposite of up: such as a : southward traveled down to South Africa b : to or toward a point away from the speaker or the speaker's point of reference walked down to my neighbor's house c : in or into the stomach can't keep food down 3 : to a lesser degree, level, or rate cool down tensions Try to calm down. 4 : to or toward a lower position in a series seems to be far down on their agenda moved down in the pop charts 5 a : to or in a lower or worse condition or status held down by her lack of education b —used to indicate thoroughness or completion dusted down the housedescribed him down to his haircut 6 : from a past time stories passed down by word of mouth 7 : to or in a state of less activity or prominence scaled down our plans 8 : to a concentrated state got the report down to three pages 9 : into defeat voted the motion down down 2 of 8preposition : down (see down entry 1) along, around, through, toward, in, into, or on fell down the stairs write down the phone number down the years grew up down the block from each other pacing up and down the room down 3 of 8verb downed; downing; downs transitive verb 1 : to cause to go or come down (see down entry 1) : such as a : to cause to fall by or as if by shooting : bring down sense 1 downed the enemy helicopter b : consume sense 3 downing slices of pizza 2 football : to cause (a ball) to be out of play downed the ball at the five-yard line 3 : defeat down a proposal intransitive verb : to go down down 4 of 8adjective1 a(1) : occupying a low position specifically : lying on the ground down timber (2) : directed or going downward attendance is down b : lower in price c football : not being in play because of wholly stopped progress or because the officials stop the play The ball was down. d : defeated or trailing an opponent (as in points scored) down by two runs e baseball : out two down in the top of the third inning 2 a : reduced or low in activity, frequency, or intensity a down economy b : not operating or able to function The computer is down. c : depressed, dejected feeling a bit down also : depressing a down movie d : sick down with flu 3 : done, finished eight down and two to go 4 : completely mastered had her lines down —often used with pat got the answers down pat 5 a slang : cool sense 7 a down dude b slang : understanding or supportive of something or someone —usually used with with trying to prove that they were down with hip-hop culture— 6 : being on record you're down for two tickets down 5 of 8noun (1)1 : descent, depression emotional ups and downs the ups and downs of the business cycle 2 : an instance of putting down someone (such as an opponent in wrestling) 3 football a : a complete play to advance the ball b : one of a series of four attempts in American football or three attempts in Canadian football to advance the ball 10 yards caught the ball on third down 4 chiefly British : dislike, grudge 5 : downer 6 physics : a fundamental quark that has an electric charge of -¹/₃ and that is one of the constituents of a nucleon down 6 of 8noun (2)1 : an undulating usually treeless upland with sparse soil —usually used in plural sheep grazing on the grassy downs 2 often capitalized : a sheep of any breed originating in the downs of southern England down 7 of 8noun (3)1 : a covering of soft fluffy feathers also : these feathers goose down pillows 2 : something soft and fluffy like down a trace of down on his cheeks Down 8 of 8noun (4) : down syndrome —usually used attributively a Down baby down 1 of 6 adverb1 as in downward toward or in a lower position the stairs went down to the basement Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in away from this or that place came down from New York for the weekend Synonyms & Similar Words
down 2 of 6adjective1 as in up brought or having come to an end eight down and two to go Synonyms & Similar Words
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2 as in lowered directed down a down escalator Synonyms & Similar Words
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3 as in depressed feeling unhappiness feeling a bit down Synonyms & Similar Words
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4 as in poorly temporarily suffering from a disorder of the body down with the flu Synonyms & Similar Words
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5 as in malfunctioning not being in working order while my computer was down, I attended to some unfinished odds and ends lying about my cubicle Synonyms & Similar Words
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6 as in great slang of the very best kind a small jazz club that showcases some really down musicians Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
down 3 of 6noun (1)as in pile a soft airy substance or covering a comforter filled with goose down Synonyms & Similar Words
down 4 of 6noun (2)1 as in bore something (as a situation or event) that is depressing lately it's been one down after another in my life Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in grudge chiefly British a lingering ill will towards a person for a real or imagined wrong I don't understand why she'd have such a down against me; we've never even spoken to each other! Synonyms & Similar Words
3 as in hatred chiefly British a strong feeling of not liking or approving for years after the war her grandfather had an unshakable down on the Germans Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
4 as in drop the act or process of going to a lower level or altitude suffered with a psychological disorder in which she alternated between emotional ups and downs Synonyms & Similar Words
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5 as in demise a loss of status experienced the ups and downs of a career in showbiz Synonyms & Similar Words
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down 5 of 6noun (3)as in prairie usually downs plural a broad area of level or rolling treeless country hold a festival on the downs Synonyms & Similar Words
down 6 of 6verb1 as in to drop to strike (someone) so forcefully as to cause a fall downed his opponent with one stunning blow Synonyms & Similar Words
2 as in to swallow to take into the stomach through the mouth and throat downing slices of pizza and guzzling bottles of soda Synonyms & Similar Words
3 as in to dismiss to reject by or as if by a vote all attempts to ban indoor smoking had been downed by the town council Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
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