Recent Examples on the WebThere are 30 examples available with open casebacks that depict the iconic bell tower of St. Tropez. Demetrius Simms, Robb Report, 26 July 2022 The parish broke ground at its current location in October 2008 and, despite a lightning strike hitting the bell tower one month before opening day, the new church was formally dedicated by Bishop Richard Sklba on Nov. 22, 2009. Erik S. Hanley, Journal Sentinel, 22 June 2022 From the tallest bell tower to the humblest home, Tinian villages are richly decorated in marble from local quarries.San Diego Union-Tribune, 22 May 2022 In Berkeley, Annie and Alden, a pair of peregrine falcons, are incubating three eggs atop UC Berkeley’s Campanile bell tower. Andres Picon, San Francisco Chronicle, 18 Apr. 2022 The desert-brown church with the tall bell tower was filled to overflowing. Nathan Ellgren, Adriana Gomez Licon And Jim Salter, Anchorage Daily News, 1 June 2022 The three story-building with a bell tower was built in 1928 and is the oldest residency hall on the campus. Mike Cason |, al, 19 Apr. 2022 The avian soap opera unfolding atop this Berkeley bell tower has humans riveted. Justin Raystaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 6 Apr. 2022 Separated from the main church by a stone bell tower and a pair of 200-year-old yuccas, the building now serves as both the center of Nurio’s religious life and a temporary sacristy for the artifacts rescued from the Apostle Santiago Church.New York Times, 11 Feb. 2022 See More