单词 |
drear |
释义 |
1 as in bleak causing or marked by an atmosphere lacking in cheer it was a drear morning in January when I went to take my driving test -
bleak -
lonely -
dark -
darkening -
desolate -
somber -
depressive -
depressing -
lonesome -
cold -
gray -
murky -
solemn -
cheerless -
dreary -
morbid -
miserable -
gloomy -
blue -
wretched -
chill -
dismal -
black -
comfortless -
forlorn -
morose -
funereal -
sunless -
glum -
depressed -
lugubrious -
sullen -
disconsolate -
grey -
sepulchral -
melancholy -
sad -
godforsaken -
dire -
cloudy -
oppressive -
dreich -
elegiac -
tenebrous -
saturnine -
sombre -
dull -
plutonian -
dim -
woebegone -
hopeless -
unhappy -
Cimmerian -
mournful -
melancholic -
grim -
elegiacal -
desperate -
dejected -
dispiriting -
mirthless -
tenebrific -
distressful -
woeful -
despondent -
inconsolable -
drab -
sorrowful -
negative -
hangdog -
discouraging -
down -
distressing -
dismaying -
menacing -
disheartening -
pessimistic -
low -
discomfiting -
upsetting -
droopy -
dour -
plaintive -
lamentable -
colorless -
lowery -
louring -
threatening -
lowering -
loury -
bright -
cheerful -
sunshiny -
cheery -
festive -
merry -
joyous -
comforting -
gay -
joyful -
friendly -
jolly -
blithe -
cordial -
buoyant -
mirthful -
gay -
optimistic -
jocund -
blithesome -
hopeful -
cheering -
heartwarming -
encouraging -
lighthearted -
lightsome See More 2 as in depressing causing unhappiness a barren and drear existence in a remote village -
depressing -
sad -
melancholy -
pathetic -
dreary -
mournful -
dismal -
heartbreaking -
tearful -
unfortunate -
saddening -
disturbing -
teary -
distressful -
heartrending -
sorry -
lamentable -
woeful -
distressing -
deplorable -
disquieting -
moving -
perturbing -
affecting -
grievous -
dispiriting -
touching -
discomforting -
discouraging -
poignant -
disheartening -
discomposing -
cheery -
happy -
glad -
pleasant -
delightful -
uplifting -
inspiring -
agreeable -
stimulating -
heartening -
enjoyable -
stirring -
welcome -
cheering -
pleasurable -
satisfying -
pleasing -
exhilarating -
thrilling -
heartwarming See More as in moroseness -
moroseness -
ennui -
morbidness -
tedium -
despair -
boredom -
hopelessness -
woe -
wretchedness -
misery -
sorrow -
regret -
desperation -
self-despair -
rue -
morosity -
dismalness -
discouragement -
melancholia -
somberness -
agony -
anguish -
moodiness -
mourning -
grief -
disheartenment -
dolor -
distress -
self-pity -
woefulness -
pain -
joy -
joyousness -
bliss -
exultation -
gayety -
heaven -
gladness -
mirth -
elation -
exuberance -
ecstasy -
happiness -
intoxication -
rapture -
exhilaration -
felicity -
joyfulness -
euphoria -
gaiety -
jollity -
jubilation -
glee -
merriment -
joviality -
cheerfulness -
blissfulness -
optimism -
cheeriness -
hopefulness -
lightheartedness -
humor -
mirthfulness -
gayness -
gleefulness -
cheer -
sunniness -
elatedness -
contentment -
content -
rapturousness -
gladsomeness -
satisfaction -
contentedness -
delight -
gratification See More |
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