plural mohels also mohalim ˌmō-hä-ˈlēm or mohelim ˌmō-(h)e-ˈlēm
: a person who performs ritual Jewish circumcisions
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebIn the summer of 2021, The mohel and Lisa even moved into a new apartment with their three kids, all under 12.Washington Post, 15 Apr. 2022 The baby is finally, successfully circumcised at the hospital after the mohel selected by Elaine accidentally cuts Jerry’s finger. Ryan Parker, The Hollywood Reporter, 24 Mar. 2022 While Loren watched the circumcision with tears running down her face, Alexei helps the mohel — a religious circumciser, who leads the event — complete the procedure. Kelly Wynne,, 25 Feb. 2022 More recently, Rabbi Tendler backed New York City health officials in trying to ban a circumcision procedure in which the mohel — a Jew trained in the rite — sucks blood from an infant’s wound with the lips.New York Times, 9 Oct. 2021 He was certified as a mohel by the Jewish Theological Seminary and the Rabbinical Assembly at the first Brit Kodesh conclave in 1990. Sergio Carmona,, 17 Sep. 2021 For centuries, the role of mohel was dominated by male religious leaders. Alyson Krueger, New York Times, 1 Mar. 2020 Golden Girls fans may have also spotted Levin in Designing Women from 1989 to 1991, and later on Seinfeld as the nervous mohel in a 1993 episode. Selena Barrientos, House Beautiful, 8 Nov. 2019 The Netherlands has a handful of mohels and, as is common around the world, some of the more popular ones are not recognized as medical caregivers. Cnaan Liphshiz,, 4 June 2019 See More