释义 |
plural of biff as in thumps a hard strike with a part of the body or an instrument he got a biff in the noggin as his reward for trying to intervene in the fight -
thumps -
punches -
slaps -
swipes -
blows -
thuds -
whacks -
knocks -
hits -
smacks -
spanks -
strokes -
licks -
pokes -
slams -
bangs -
pounds -
whams -
claps -
beats -
swats -
clips -
thwacks -
haymakers -
bops -
whaps -
bashes -
wallops -
hooks -
kicks -
chops -
raps -
smashes -
socks -
clouts -
dabs -
bats -
hands -
hacks -
switches -
lashes -
belts -
swings -
fillips -
stingers -
slugs -
plumps -
knees -
cracks -
douses -
cuffs -
pelts -
whops -
lickings -
picks -
stripes -
busts -
welts -
buffets -
boxes -
larrups -
counterpunches -
counters -
lefts -
beatings -
uppercuts -
roundhouses -
batterings -
counterstrokes -
whips -
counterblows -
sidewinders -
counter-strokes -
thrashings -
shivers -
drubbings -
counter-blows -
knockdowns -
rights -
body blows -
one-twos -
rabbit punches -
crunchers -
bastinadoes -
sucker punches -
pastings -
whippings -
kayos -
bastinades -
right-handers -
knockouts -
wallopings -
KOs present tense third-person singular of biff as in knocks to deliver a blow to (someone or something) usually in a strong vigorous manner the elderly woman swung her purse and biffed the mugger upside the head -
knocks -
slaps -
hits -
punches -
smacks -
slams -
bangs -
whacks -
claps -
swipes -
clips -
strikes -
bats -
cracks -
pounds -
bashes -
thumps -
kicks -
wallops -
swats -
hammers -
clouts -
thwacks -
bops -
nails -
licks -
jabs -
raps -
bonks -
flicks -
taps -
shoves -
boxes -
bludgeons -
socks -
pokes -
clobbers -
smites -
bobs -
slugs -
chops -
stabs -
tags -
bumps -
zaps -
busts -
clocks -
pushes -
belts -
slogs -
pastes -
mauls -
whales -
strokes -
mangles -
beats -
pummels -
bunts -
roughs -
batters -
scuffs -
butts -
jostles -
knees -
slashes -
dumps -
bungs -
drubs -
prods -
cuffs -
peppers -
pommels -
whips -
decks -
buffets -
hangs one on -
stamps -
pelts -
conks -
laces -
lambasts -
flails -
lashes -
lambastes -
thrashes -
sledges -
creams -
sledgehammers -
cudgels -
clubs -
fells -
flogs -
levels -
spears -
switches -
beans -
saps -
skulls -
floors -
knocks down -
canes -
brains -
sucker punches -
bowls (down or over) -
rabbit-punches |