: an electric current induced by an alternating magnetic field
Example Sentences
Recent Examples on the WebThese are usually inspected using industrial borescopes, eddy current and/or ultrasound techniques to make a recommendation whether the gearboxes need to be taken down for repair or can continue in use. Arungalai Anbarasu, Forbes, 24 Sep. 2021 Ventricular fibrillation is like eddy currents of electricity in the heart, which form where a wave of electrical impulses can’t pass through scar tissue. Elizabeth Cooney, STAT, 6 Apr. 2020 From now through March is prime time in this area for a 5-pound smallmouth. The can’t miss bait is a live shad about 4 inches long, but plenty are also caught on crankbaits, jerkbaits and swimbaits worked in the eddies current breaks. Frank Sargeant, al, 10 Jan. 2020 Magnets and eddy current machines pull out aluminum and steel cans, sending them to the appropriate bins to be flattened, baled together and sold. Dennis Pillion | Dpillion@al.com, al.com, 17 June 2019 After the 2016 incident, Southwest began conducting eddy current inspections, a test similar to ultrasonic inspections, on planes brought into the shop. Jason Laughlin, Philly.com, 3 May 2018 Molten minerals tend to be better conductors, which means stronger eddy currents. John Timmer, Ars Technica, 27 Oct. 2017 See More