Recent Examples on the WebThe egg cell is then transferred to the uterus of a sow. Amy Dockser Marcus, WSJ, 6 Sep. 2022 Amazing new technologies in developmental biology and genetics research are allowing scientists to begin to answer long standing questions such as – how does a single fertilized egg cell transform into a complex animal? David L. Coddon, San Diego Union-Tribune, 7 July 2022 Unlike the main repository of nuclear DNA, the mitochondria are like hundreds of thousands of branch libraries of genetic information floating around in the cytoplasm of a human egg cell. Stephen S. Hall, Wired, 11 Mar. 2021 The team’s method involved removing the nucleus from a Scottish Blackface sheep’s egg cell and electroshocking it with a mammary gland cell from a Finn Dorset sheep to enable the two to fuse. Rachel Nuwer, Smithsonian Magazine, 23 May 2022 There isn’t a surviving mammoth genome that’s complete enough to implant directly into an egg cell, so cloning is out of the question. Matt Reynolds, Wired, 9 Feb. 2022 When a cell divides in two to make an egg cell, the other half becomes a polar body, which contains a near-identical copy of DNA. Sarah Zhang, The Atlantic, 28 Oct. 2021 The cell is from a hydatidiform mole, a kind of reproductive growth that represents an extremely early, unviable union between a sperm and an egg cell that has no nucleus. Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 3 June 2021 In 1996, researchers at the Roslin Institute cloned a cell taken from the mammary gland of a 6-year-old Finn Dorset sheep and an egg cell taken from a Scottish blackface sheep, and the result was Dolly.Washington Post, 21 May 2021 See More
Word History
First Known Use
1880, in the meaning defined above
Kids Definition
egg cell
: a female reproductive cell of animals and plants that can unite with a sperm cell to form a new individual