单词 | handle |
释义 | handle1 of 2noun han·dle ˈhan-dᵊl 1 : a part that is designed especially to be grasped by the hand 2 : something that resembles a handle 3 a : title sense 4 a royal handle b : name also : nickname went by his childhood handle 4 : hand sense 9c the smooth handle of silk 5 : the total amount of money bet on a race, game, or event 6 : a means of understanding or controlling can't quite get a handle on things handled ˈhan-dᵊld adjective handleless ˈhan-dᵊl-(l)əs adjective handle 2 of 2verb handled; handling ˈhan(d)-liŋ ˈhan-dᵊl-iŋ transitive verb 1 a : to try or examine (as by touching, feeling, or moving) with the hand handle silk to judge its weight b : to manage with the hands handle a horse 2 a : to deal with in writing or speaking or in the plastic arts He handles the topic briefly in his book. b : to have overall responsibility for supervising or directing : manage a lawyer handles all my affairs c : to train and act as the assistant for (a boxer) handles featherweight boxers d : to put up with : stand can't handle the heat 3 : to act on or perform a required function with regard to handle the day's mail 4 : to engage in the buying, selling, or distributing of (a commodity) intransitive verb : to act, behave, or respond in a certain way when handled or directed a car that handles well handleable ˈhan-dᵊl-ə-bəl adjective handle 1 of 2 verb1 as in to manage to deal with (something) usually skillfully or efficiently as host of a live TV talk show, she must handle any situation that comes up Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
2 as in to treat to behave toward in a stated way handles all requests professionally, even when customers are rude Synonyms & Similar Words
3 as in to operate to control the mechanical operation of learned how to handle basic woodworking power tools Synonyms & Similar Words
4 as in to oversee to look after and make decisions about she takes care of the flower beds, and he handles all the lawn care Synonyms & Similar Words
5 as in to tolerate to put up with (something painful or difficult) I can't handle much more of this foul weather Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
6 as in to supervise to be in charge of I'll be handling the team's workouts while the leader is on vacation Synonyms & Similar Words
handle 2 of 2noun1 as in grip a part by which an implement is held was given a set a steak knives with wooden handles Synonyms & Similar Words
2 as in name a word or combination of words by which a person or thing is regularly known likes to go by the handle "Champ" Synonyms & Similar Words
3 as in nickname a descriptive or familiar name given instead of or in addition to the one belonging to an individual since it seemed decreed that every new firefighter have a handle, his was soon "Hulk" Synonyms & Similar Words
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