释义 |
present tense third-person singular of lock (up) as in jails to put in or as if in prison if they catch you, they're going to lock you up and throw away the key! -
jails -
interns -
imprisons -
confines -
incarcerates -
immures -
arrests -
jugs -
commits -
detains -
restrains -
limits -
captures -
gates -
catches -
shuts -
picks up -
restricts -
constrains -
bars -
apprehends -
binds -
enchains -
seizes -
pinches -
handcuffs -
impresses -
keeps -
shackles -
trammels -
busts -
holds -
fetters -
manacles -
nabs -
shanghais -
impounds -
liberates -
discharges -
releases -
frees -
enfranchises -
manumits -
unbinds -
unfetters -
emancipates -
unchains -
uncages See More |