释义 |
: causing a lowering of someone or something in status, esteem, quality, or character … a publication littered with debasing comments about women … Kate Kelly and David Enrich And certainly African-Americans, who have long observed the debasing effect of racism on whites, may know a moral refinement that an oppressor cannot. Emily Hiestand Feminists said the spiteful interactions that the shows sometimes encouraged were debasing to the contestants. Patrick Kingsley 1 as in degrading -
degrading -
demeaning -
humiliating -
mortifying -
humbling -
unsettling -
unpleasant -
impossible -
disagreeable -
intolerable -
troublesome -
embarrassing -
difficult -
confusing -
inconvenient -
unwieldy -
disconcerting -
disturbing -
discomfiting -
uncomfortable -
flustering -
awkward -
convenient -
comfortable -
agreeable -
pleasing 2 as in perverted -
perverted -
profane -
unbecoming -
indecorous -
obscene -
indecent -
prurient -
vulgar -
wicked -
naughty -
salacious -
racy -
immodest -
lewd -
filthy -
lascivious -
earthy -
ribald -
crude -
wanton -
gross -
lustful -
erotic -
bawdy -
unprintable -
smutty -
kinky -
salty -
suggestive -
foul -
dirty -
coarse -
pornographic -
sexy -
bedroom -
erotical -
adult -
nasty -
mature -
soft-core -
porny -
hard-core -
X-rated -
clean -
puritanical -
prudish -
priggish -
decorous -
proper -
genteel -
polite -
seemly -
correct -
straightlaced -
prim -
G-rated -
straitlaced -
decent -
Victorian See More as in debasement -
debasement -
humiliation -
degradation -
abasement -
humbling -
disapproval -
dust -
taint -
disapprobation -
contempt -
stigma -
scorn -
blot -
disdain -
slur -
deprecation -
stain -
brand -
disfavor -
despite -
smirch -
scandal -
discredit -
dishonor -
spot -
ignominy -
disrepute -
infamy -
odium -
disgrace -
shame -
shadow -
reproach -
opprobrium -
disesteem -
obloquy -
respect -
esteem -
honor -
regard -
appreciation -
estimation -
admiration -
fear -
reverence -
glory -
fame -
awe -
repute -
renown See More present participle of debase 1 as in humiliating to lower in character, dignity, or quality we debase ourselves when we adopt the moral code and behavior of our despised enemies -
degrading -
humiliating -
debauching -
corrupting -
subverting -
demeaning -
weakening -
diluting -
depraving -
deteriorating -
damaging -
perverting -
destroying -
cheapening -
disgracing -
prostituting -
poisoning -
abasing -
bastardizing -
polluting -
demoralizing -
ruining -
shaming -
vitiating -
profaning -
lessening -
tainting -
marring -
contaminating -
warping -
impairing -
cankering -
defiling -
humbling -
dishonoring -
harming -
wrecking -
dirtying -
tarnishing -
hurting -
thinning -
defacing -
watering down -
spoiling -
befouling -
depreciating -
staining -
descending -
downgrading -
begriming -
blemishing -
flawing -
taking down -
elevating -
exalting -
improving -
uplifting -
ennobling -
honoring -
enhancing -
enriching -
dignifying -
amending -
ameliorating -
respecting -
perfecting -
restoring -
purifying -
refining -
clarifying -
cleaning -
cleansing -
bettering -
meliorating See More 2 as in discrediting to reduce to a lower standing in one's own eyes or in others' eyes our failure to win a single game completely debased us -
humiliating -
discrediting -
degrading -
demeaning -
disgracing -
shaming -
embarrassing -
cheapening -
insulting -
dishonoring -
abasing -
humbling -
confusing -
lowering -
rattling -
ridiculing -
criticizing -
diminishing -
chastening -
fouling -
belittling -
mortifying -
sinking -
disparaging -
minimizing -
taking down -
depreciating -
detracting -
smirching -
discounting -
maligning -
defiling -
condemning -
flustering -
defaming -
slandering -
disconcerting -
decrying -
castigating -
discountenancing -
discomfiting -
affronting -
confounding -
denouncing -
libeling -
execrating -
censuring -
fazing -
abashing -
nonplussing -
damning -
libelling -
writing off -
reprobating -
crying down -
nonplusing -
bad-mouthing -
reprehending -
putting down -
exalting -
elevating -
deifying -
aggrandizing -
praising -
recognizing -
citing -
honoring -
acknowledging -
commending -
celebrating -
complimenting -
canonizing -
lauding -
boasting -
applauding -
congratulating -
saluting -
hailing -
eulogizing -
acclaiming -
decorating -
touting -
cheering -
highlighting -
promoting -
ennobling -
dignifying -
glorifying -
extolling -
enshrining -
feting -
advancing -
spotlighting -
magnifying -
raising -
lifting -
enthroning -
uplifting -
boosting -
upgrading -
fêting -
idealizing -
romanticizing -
playing up -
enskying See More |