单词 | heavy |
释义 | heavy1 of 3adjective ˈhe-vē heavier; heaviest 1 a : having great weight also : characterized by mass or weight how heavy is it? b : having a high specific gravity : having great weight in proportion to bulk Lead and gold are heavy metals. c(1) of an isotope : having or being atoms of greater than normal mass for that element heavy carbons (2) of a chemical compound : containing heavy isotopes heavy ammonia 2 : difficult to bear specifically : causing or characterized by severe pain or suffering a heavy sorrow 3 : of weighty import : serious heavy consequences 4 : characterized by depth or intensity : profound a heavy silence 5 a : borne down by something oppressive : burdened returned with heavy spirit b : pregnant especially : approaching parturition She is heavy with child. 6 a : slow or dull from loss of vitality or resiliency : sluggish a tired heavy step b : lacking sparkle or vivacity : drab a heavy writing style c : lacking mirth or gaiety : cheerless d : characterized by declining prices The market is heavy. 7 : dulled with weariness : drowsy eyes were growing heavy 8 : greater in quantity or quality than the average of its kind or class: such as a : of unusually large size or amount a heavy turnout b : of great force heavy seas c : threatening to rain or snow a heavy sky heavy clouds d(1) : impeding motion heavy traffic (2) : full of clay and inclined to hold water heavy soil e : coming as if from a depth : loud heavy breathing f : thick, dense a heavy beard a heavy growth of timber heavy syrup g : oppressive, overwhelming heavy perfume heavy weather rule with a heavy hand h : steep, acute on a heavy grade i : laborious, difficult heavy going j : immoderate a heavy smoker k : more powerful than usual for its kind a heavy cavalry a heavy cruiser l : of large capacity or output a heavy pump 9 a : very rich and hard to digest heavy desserts b : not properly raised or leavened heavy bread 10 : producing goods (such as coal, steel, or chemicals) used in the production of other goods heavy industry 11 a : having stress (see stress entry 1 sense 5a) a heavy rhythm —used especially of syllables in accentual verse b : being the strongest degree of stress in speech the heavy stress on the first syllable of basketball 12 : relating to theatrical parts of a grave or somber nature playing heavy roles 13 : possessing a high degree or a great deal of something specified : long heavy on ideas 14 : important, prominent a heavy politician heaviness noun heavy 2 of 3adverb : to a great or overwhelming degree weighed heavy on her mind : with or as if with great weight : in a heavy manner : heavily Clouds hung heavy in the sky. heavy 3 of 3noun plural heavies 1 : heavyweight sense 2 2 a : a theatrical role of a dignified or somber character also : an actor playing such a role b : a character in a story or play who opposes the hero : villain c : one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty : villain d : someone or something influential, serious, or important heavy 1 of 2 adjective1 as in massive having great weight this trunk full of books is much too heavy for one person to lift Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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2 as in slow causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest the study of history doesn't have to be all about dull heavy reading and the memorization of dates Synonyms & Similar Words
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3 as in greasy containing much seasoning, fat, or sugar avoid heavy desserts like cheesecake and pecan pie Synonyms & Similar Words
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4 as in hazy covered over by clouds heavy skies threatening rain Synonyms & Similar Words
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5 as in harsh difficult to endure they paid a heavy price for their mistakes Synonyms & Similar Words
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6 as in intensive extreme in degree, power, or effect heavy rains the company is forecasting heavy losses this year Synonyms & Similar Words
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7 as in serious having a matter of importance as its topic got into a heavy discussion about death and the afterlife Synonyms & Similar Words
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8 as in difficult requiring considerable physical or mental effort until we find our groove, it's going to be heavy sledding on this project Synonyms & Similar Words
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9 as in powerful having great power or influence she's not among the handful of heavy critics who can make or break a Broadway show Synonyms & Similar Words
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10 as in pregnant containing unborn young within the body the heifer was heavy with young and soon would be birthing Synonyms & Similar Words
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heavy 2 of 2noun1 as in brute a mean, evil, or unprincipled person he played the heavy in film after film until being cast against type as the romantic lead in a comedy Synonyms & Similar Words
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2 as in big one of high position or importance within a group in the field of secondary education, she definitely ranks as one of the heavies Synonyms & Similar Words
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