Recent Examples on the WebIf there was a single, epiphanic moment when Mr. Gilliam was moved to remove his paintings from their wooden supports and to hang them like drapes, the artist was often cagey about when — or even whether — that occurred. Michael O'sullivan, Washington Post, 27 June 2022 But interestingly, the most affecting moments aren’t necessarily the dramatic epiphanic turning points. Leslie Felperin, The Hollywood Reporter, 20 May 2022 Her narrow road to the interior passes through the Trump presidency into an epiphanic realm where birth resembles death, violence healing, and trauma care. Srikanth Reddy, New York Times, 15 Apr. 2022 And her epiphanic declaration of independence from the royal family is depicted as her decision to wear better clothes.Washington Post, 18 Nov. 2021 That song was not only special to sing but also an epiphanic moment. Shannon Carlin, Vulture, 23 June 2021 In the end, while the novel does not offer any pat answers about death, the epiphanic note about the importance of a good life instead feels simplistic. Jenny Bhatt, Star Tribune, 9 Apr. 2021 This is meant to be the moment in the book: climactic, epiphanic, cathartic. Siddhartha Deb, The New Republic, 4 Apr. 2018 See More