Recent Examples on the WebOne of the late-stage candidates – Etrasimod – is used to treat ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and eosinophilic esophagitis, and its potential peak sales are estimated to top $2.5 billion. Trefis Team, Forbes, 4 Aug. 2022 One of the late-stage candidates – Etrasimod – is used to treat ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and eosinophilic esophagitis, and its potential peak sales are estimated to top $2.5 billion. Trefis Team, Forbes, 29 June 2022 In March, the company launching Voquenza, Phathom Pharmaceuticals, also submitted a new drug application to the FDA for the use of vonoprazan as a treatment for the healing of all grades of erosive reflux esophagitis and relief of heartburn. Joshua Cohen, Forbes, 1 June 2022 Eventually, he was diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis. Susan Dunne,, 3 Feb. 2022 And Phase 2 studies are ongoing in eosinophilic esophagitis, which can damage the throat and lead to difficulty swallowing, and alopecia areata, which causes hair loss in clumps. Mike Freeman, San Diego Union-Tribune, 13 Dec. 2021 Eosiniphilic esophagitis, a chronic immune disease caused mainly by food allergies, is a serious condition affecting about one in 2,000 children. Larry Luxner,, 13 Oct. 2021 Camostat mesylate is used in Japan to treat reflux esophagitis and chronic pancreatitis. Melissa Healystaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 2 May 2020 Instead of outdoor activities, the youngster, who also lives with chronic conditions esophagitis and gastroparesis, enjoys jazz and ballet. Patricia Murphy, Fox News, 11 Apr. 2018 See More