单词 | casts |
释义 | cast1 of 2verb ˈkast cast; casting transitive verb 1 a : to cause to move or send forth by throwing cast a fishing lure cast dice b : direct cast a glance c(1) : to put forth the fire casts a warm glow cast light on the subject cast a shadow (2) : to place as if by throwing cast doubt on their reliability d : to deposit (a ballot) formally cast her vote e(1) : to throw off or away the horse cast a shoe (2) : to get rid of : discard cast off all restraint soda cans and fast-food boxes cast aside on the beach (3) : shed, molt cast feathers (4) : to bring forth especially : to give birth to prematurely f : to throw to the ground especially in wrestling The cow was cast and her legs tied. g : to build by throwing up earth cast a mound 2 a(1) : to perform arithmetical operations on : add (2) : to calculate by means of astrology cast a person's horoscope b archaic : decide, intend 3 a : to dispose or arrange into parts or into a suitable form or order I shall cast what I have to say under two principal heads— b(1) : to assign the parts of (a dramatic production) to actors cast a movie (2) : to assign (someone, such as an actor) to a role or part was cast in the leading role 4 a : to give a shape to (a substance) by pouring in liquid or plastic form into a mold and letting harden without pressure cast steel b : to form by this process toys cast from plastic 5 : turn cast the scale slightly 6 : to make (a knot or stitch) by looping or catching up cast a square knot 7 : twist, warp a beam cast by age 8 : to transmit the sound and images of (something happening) in real time via the Internet The event is cast live over the Internet and broadcast later on National Public Radio's "Science Friday."— The webinar will be cast live over Skype on a large screen at the church.— intransitive verb 1 : to throw something specifically : to throw out a lure with a fishing rod 2 dialectal British : vomit 3 dialectal, England : to bear fruit : yield 4 a : to perform addition b obsolete : estimate, conjecture 5 : warp lumber casts 6 : to range over land in search of a trail —used of hunting dogs or trackers 7 : veer castability ˌka-stə-ˈbi-lə-tē noun castable ˈka-stə-bəl adjective cast 2 of 2noun1 a : an act of casting b : something that happens as a result of chance c : a throw of dice a seven on the first cast d : a throw of a line (such as a fishing line) or net a perfect cast 2 a : the form in which a thing is constructed b(1) : the set of actors in a dramatic production The show features an all-star cast. (2) : a set of characters or persons in both great houses there is the usual cast of servants— c : the arrangement of draperies in a painting 3 : the distance to which a thing can be thrown specifically : the distance a bow can shoot 4 a : a turning of the eye in a particular direction also : expression this freakish, elfish cast came into the child's eye — b : a slight strabismus 5 : something that is thrown or the quantity thrown especially, British : the leader of a fishing line 6 a : something that is formed by casting in a mold or form: such as (1) : a reproduction (as of a statue) in metal or plaster : casting (2) : a fossil reproduction of the details of a natural object by mineral infiltration b : an impression taken from an object with a liquid or plastic substance : mold They made a mask from a wax cast of her face. c : a rigid casing (as of fiberglass or of gauze impregnated with plaster of paris) used for immobilizing a usually diseased or broken part has a cast on her broken arm 7 : forecast, conjecture 8 a : an overspread of a color or modification of the appearance of a substance by a trace of some added hue : shade gray with a greenish cast b : tinge, suggestion a cast of bitterness in his words— 9 a : a ride on one's way in a vehicle : lift A motorist gave him a cast as far as the town. b Scotland : help, assistance 10 a : shape, appearance the delicate cast of her features b : characteristic quality his father's conservative cast of mind 11 : something that is shed, ejected, or thrown out or off: such as a : the excrement of an earthworm b : a mass of soft matter formed in cavities of diseased organs and discharged from the body c : the skin of an insect 12 : the ranging in search of a trail by a dog, hunting pack, or tracker The setter made a wide cast. casts 1 of 2 verb1 as in radiates to throw or give off spermaceti candles, made from whale oil, are known to cast an exceptionally bright light Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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2 as in aims to point or turn (something) toward a target or goal cast her eyes skyward for signs of the rescue plane Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in composes to put (something) into proper and usually carefully worked out written form carefully cast the letter of complaint as politely as possible Synonyms & Similar Words
4 as in throws to send through the air especially with a quick forward motion of the arm cast a rock into the stream Synonyms & Similar Words
casts 2 of 2noun1 as in forecasts a declaration that something will happen in the future stock market analysts offered an optimistic cast for the coming year Synonyms & Similar Words
2 as in shades a property that becomes apparent when light falls on an object and by which things that are identical in form can be distinguished the walls had a slight yellowish cast Synonyms & Similar Words
Antonyms & Near Antonyms
3 as in looks an instance of looking especially briefly a mischievous cast in his eye when we asked what our destination would be Synonyms & Similar Words
4 as in expressions facial appearance regarded as an indication of mood or feeling his face took on a somewhat sad cast when we asked how his ill wife was faring Synonyms & Similar Words
5 as in shapes the outward appearance of something as distinguished from its substance the lovely cast of the baby's features Synonyms & Similar Words
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