Recent Examples on the WebOne of the most common of these is the lipid profile, whereby total cholesterol, LDL and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are reviewed as indicators and even as treatment targets for statin therapy. Christos Varounis, Scientific American, 3 Nov. 2021 In addition, trans fat lowers high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or 'good,' cholesterol levels. Katie Landeck, USA TODAY, 17 Dec. 2020 The 13,078 patients in this study were being treated with statins and had a high cardiovascular risk, high blood troglycerides and low levels of the good cholesterol known as high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Jen Christensen, CNN, 15 Nov. 2020 The new study found that high levels of high-density lipoprotein, commonly considered the good kind of cholesterol, are 50% inherited, whereas high levels of low-density lipoprotein, the more dangerous kind, are 25% inherited. Jocelyn Kaiser, Science | AAAS, 17 May 2018 For the past 13 years, Rodriguez, a physician-scientist in the university’s Center for Vascular Biology, has kept her eye on one particular gene in those DNA strands that is integral to the function of high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Lori Miller Kase, Discover Magazine, 20 Nov. 2017