Recent Examples on the WebAs large-scale projects like LBNF/DUNE have ramped up over the last five years, Congress has increased the DOE’s overall budget for high-energy physics by nearly 30 percent. Thomas Lewton, Scientific American, 13 Apr. 2022 Other work established links between the geometric program and high-energy physics. Rachel Crowell, Scientific American, 21 Mar. 2022 Critical phenomena show up all over the place — in cosmology, high-energy physics, even biological systems.Quanta Magazine, 11 Nov. 2021 MZMs are their quasiparticle equivalent, illustrating how behaviors of particles seen or suggested in high-energy physics are now turning up in materials governed by quantum laws.Quanta Magazine, 29 Sep. 2021 Finally, the advent of modern experimental high-energy physics taught us that even the proton and neutron have smaller particles inside of them: quarks and gluons. Ethan Siegel, Forbes, 18 Mar. 2021 Finding out exactly what happens when particles get even cozier is a major goal of high-energy physics.Quanta Magazine, 17 Sep. 2020 And so, led by genomics researchers—who, like their cousins in high-energy physics, were also used to working on big multidisciplinary collaborative projects—preprint servers like bioRxiv and medRxiv began to be created for biomedical science. Jonathan M. Gitlin, Ars Technica, 6 May 2020 Their mother, the former Anna Lynch, was a respiratory practitioner; their father, Ronald Baggs, was an electronics engineer who designed equipment for high-energy physics experiments. Harrison Smith,, 30 Apr. 2020 See More