Recent Examples on the WebPhilips Hue The lights start at $50 for luminaires and go up to $280 for the Lily and its three accessories. Liz Stinson, Curbed, 19 Mar. 2018 Finally, move in some midlevel luminaires—table lamps, floor lamps or sconces, ideally ones that are indirect and pleasantly passive. Kathryn O’shea-evans, WSJ, 25 Jan. 2019 The lights start at $50 for luminaires and go up to $280 for the Lily and its three accessories. Liz Stinson, Curbed, 19 Mar. 2018 Tottenham Hotspur's new stadium will light up the night's sky on dark match-days after it was revealed the 60,000-seater structure will house 170 glass panels that posses multiple linear LED, 26 Feb. 2018