

单词 challenger


1 of 2


chal·​lenge ˈcha-lənj How to pronounce challenge (audio)
challenged; challenging

transitive verb

: to dispute especially as being unjust, invalid, or outmoded : impugn
new data that challenges old assumptions
: to confront or defy boldly : dare
he challenged his critics to prove his guilt
: to call out to duel or combat
challenged his rival to a duel
: to invite into competition
he challenged his brother to a tennis match
: to question formally the legality or legal qualifications of
challenge a juror
: to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties
she wants a job that will challenge her
: to order to halt and prove identity
the sentry challenged the stranger
: to demand as due or deserved : require
an event that challenges explanation
: to administer a physiological (see physiological sense 2) and especially an immunologic challenge to (an organism or cell)

intransitive verb

: to make or present a challenge
when the appropriate moment challenged, he was capable of … leadershipC. H. Driver
: to take legal exception
challenger noun
ˈcha-lən-jə-bəl How to pronounce challenge (audio)


2 of 2


: a stimulating task or problem
looking for new challenges
: a calling to account or into question : protest
a challenge to unauthorized use of public funds
: an exception taken to a juror before the juror is sworn
a challenge of a prospective juror based on a specific cause or reason
: a questioning of the right or validity of a vote or voter
: a sentry's command to halt and prove identity
The intruder fled at the sentry's challenge.
: an invitation to compete in a sport
He accepted my challenge to a game of chess.
: a summons (see summons entry 1 sense 2) that is often threatening, provocative, stimulating, or inciting
specifically : a summons to a duel to answer an affront
: the act or process of provoking or testing physiological activity by exposure to a specific substance
especially : a test of immunity by exposure to an antigen



  • contest
  • dispute
  • impeach
  • oppugn
  • query
  • question


  • complaint
  • demur
  • demurral
  • demurrer
  • difficulty
  • exception
  • expostulation
  • fuss
  • kick
  • objection
  • protest
  • question
  • remonstrance
  • stink
See all Synonyms & Antonyms

Example Sentences

Verb A number of doctors are challenging the study's claims. The new lawsuit challenges the lower court's decision. She's been challenged on her handling of the problem. None of them were willing to challenge the referee on the call. It's a game that will challenge a child's imagination. The work doesn't challenge him anymore, and he's often bored. Noun The next major challenge for the company is to improve its distribution capabilities. Teaching adolescents can be quite a challenge. The band feels ready for new challenges. If he takes on the new project he will face the greatest challenge of his career. Management is seeking ways to better meet the challenge of future growth. The ski slope offers a high degree of challenge. Do you accept my challenge to a game of chess? The senator may face a challenge from within her own party. See More
Recent Examples on the Web
Lake has still refused to concede her race, even though Hobbs has been sworn in, and has led legal efforts to challenge the state's election results. Barnini Chakraborty, Washington Examiner, 23 Jan. 2023 As a lawyer for Trump, Giuliani was involved in post-election efforts to challenge the results of the presidential contest. Time, 10 Jan. 2023 In their effort to challenge election results in various states, Trump’s lawyers filed sixty-two federal and state lawsuits. David Remnick, The New Yorker, 22 Dec. 2022 Paxton said his action expands on an investigation announced in May, which began around the time a bar disciplinary committee sought to sanction Paxton over his efforts to challenge the 2020 presidential election outcome. Dallas News, 14 Dec. 2022 Walz has made a concerted effort to challenge the Cardinals to play with more grit. Alexis Cubit, The Courier-Journal, 3 Dec. 2022 Nearly half of all principals reported efforts to challenge LGBTQ+ rights in the 2021–2022 school year. Kiara Alfonseca, ABC News, 1 Dec. 2022 However, this year the Lions have shown some heart and will need a big effort to challenge the Bills. Doug Ziefel, Chicago Tribune, 24 Nov. 2022 The emails illuminate efforts by Trump lawyer John Eastman and other members of the former president’s legal team to challenge the 2020 election results. Prem Thakker, The New Republic, 2 Nov. 2022
The challenge in the show is to entertain a wide variety of reasons a person might go missing — and nothing as simple as a kidnapping for ransom, a runaway or a child snatched by a divorced spouse. Robert Lloydtelevision Critic, Los Angeles Times, 17 Feb. 2023 In reality, the cash management challenge is more complex because building a private asset portfolio typically involves investing in multiple funds over multiple vintage years. John Jennings, Forbes, 14 Feb. 2023 The greatest challenge was elevation: Lake Erie, the canal’s western terminus, is more than 570 feet above sea level. Nick Yetto, Smithsonian Magazine, 14 Feb. 2023 Another challenge is that the caucus’ diverse set of members have sharp differences on key issues, such as the size of the budget, the Permanent Fund dividend and school funding. Sean Maguire, Anchorage Daily News, 13 Feb. 2023 The physical challenge has definitely been immense for many reasons, of course. Brenton Blanchet, Peoplemag, 12 Feb. 2023 The challenge for teams who get players such as Green is most buyout candidates are less concerned about money and more concerned about playing time and opportunity. Gary Washburn, BostonGlobe.com, 12 Feb. 2023 But the challenge can be daunting for an individual buyer. Flavia Rotondi, Bloomberg.com, 10 Feb. 2023 The challenge for coach Jason Kidd and staff is enviable. Dallas News, 10 Feb. 2023 See More

Word History


Verb and Noun

Middle English chalengen to accuse, from Anglo-French chalenger, from Latin calumniari to accuse falsely, from calumnia calumny

First Known Use


13th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 6


14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 3b

Kids Definition


1 of 2 verb
chal·​lenge ˈchal-ənj How to pronounce challenge (audio)
challenged; challenging
: to order to stop and prove identity
: to object to as bad or incorrect : dispute
: to demand proof that something is right or legal
: to invite or dare to take part in a contest
: to arouse or stimulate especially by presenting with difficulties
challenger noun


2 of 2 noun
: a demand that someone take part in a duel
: an invitation or dare for someone to compete in a contest or sport
: an objection to something as not being true, genuine, correct, or proper or to a person (as a juror) as not being qualified or approved
: a sentry's command to halt and prove identity
: a stimulating task or problem

Medical Definition


1 of 2 transitive verb
chal·​lenge ˈchal-ənj How to pronounce challenge (audio)
challenged; challenging
: to administer a physiological and especially an immunologic challenge to (an organism or cell)


2 of 2 noun
: the process of provoking or testing physiological activity by exposure to a specific substance
especially : a test of immunity by exposure to an antigen after immunization against it

Legal Definition


1 of 2 transitive verb
challenged; challenging
: to dispute especially as being invalid or unjust
counsel challenged this interpretation
: to question formally (as by a suit or motion) the legality or legal qualifications of
challenge the regulations
especially : to make a challenge to (a trier of fact)
the grounds for challenging prospective jurors W. R. LaFave and A. W. Scott, Jr.
compare recuse


2 of 2 noun
: a calling into question
especially : a questioning of validity or legality : objection
when the challenge to the statute is in effect a challenge of this basic assumption Kramer v. Union Free School Dist. No. 15, 395 U.S. 621 (1969)
see also batson challenge
: a request to disqualify a trier of fact (as a jury member or judge) compare recusal, strike
challenge for cause
: a challenge especially of a prospective juror based on a specific and stated cause or reason
challenge to the array
: a challenge of an entire jury that raises objections to the selection process
peremptory challenge
: a challenge especially of a prospective juror that does not require a stated cause or reason



as in contender
one who strives for the same thing as another the third-party challenger in the presidential election

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • contender
  • competitor
  • contestant
  • rival
  • competition
  • finalist
  • entrant
  • archrival
  • opponent
  • corrival
  • adversary
  • semifinalist
  • entry
  • antagonist
  • player
  • also-ran

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • noncompetitor




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