单词 | check into |
释义 | check1 of 3verb ˈchek checked; checking; checks transitive verb 1 a : to inspect, examine, or look at appraisingly or appreciatively —usually used with out or over The doctors checked him over for injuries.checking out new carsAnd so no, I won't help you to find a way to check out women in front of your wife.— b : to compare with a source, original, or authority : verify needs to check her facts c : to look at (something) to obtain information checking a watch to see the time check a map/schedule d : to look or reach into (something) to find what is there Harry glanced around at Fred, who was looking anxious and checking his pockets.— e : to access (email, voice mail, etc.) to find out if there are messages kept checking her voice mail throughout the day f : to mark with a check as examined, verified, or satisfactory —often used with off checked off each item 2 a : to slow or bring to a stop : brake hastily checked the impulse b : to block the progress of (someone, such as a hockey player) 3 : to leave or accept for safekeeping in a checkroom check a coat 4 a : to consign (something, such as luggage) to a common carrier from which one has purchased a passenger ticket checked our bags before boarding b : to ship or accept for shipment under such a consignment 5 a : to restrain or diminish the action or force of : control tried to thwart or check our purposes in the legislature b : to slack or ease off (a rope) and then belay again 6 : to mark into squares : checker check the cloth 7 : to put (a chess king) in check 8 : to make checks or chinks : cause to crack the sun checks timber 9 chiefly dialectal : rebuke, reprimand intransitive verb 1 a : to investigate conditions checked on the passengers' safety b : to prove to be consistent or truthful The description checks with the photograph. —often used with out The story checked out. c : to look at or in something to see or find what is there check for messages on a cell phone 2 a of a dog : to stop in a chase especially when scent is lost b : to halt through caution, uncertainty, or fear : stop The train checked with a jolt …— 3 : to draw a check on a bank 4 : to waive the right to initiate the betting in a round of poker 5 : crack, split Drying wood can cause it to check. check 2 of 3noun1 a : examination a quick check of the engine b : the act of testing or verifying making a check on the data also : the sample or unit used for testing or verifying c : inspection, investigation a loyalty check on government employees d : a standard for testing and evaluation : criterion 2 : a written order directing a bank to pay money as instructed : draft Do you want to pay in cash, by check, or by credit card? 3 : one that arrests, limits, or restrains : restraint … against all checks, rebukes, and manners, I must advance …— 4 a : a sudden stoppage of a forward course or progress : arrest The outbreak of war in 1939 gave a sudden check to the sculptor's work.— b : a checking of an opposing player (as in ice hockey) 5 : a sudden pause or break in a progression the invaders coming in without a check 6 a : a slip indicating the amount due : bill Ask the waiter for the check. b : a ticket or token showing ownership or identity or indicating payment made a baggage check c : a counter in various games 7 : a mark typically ✓ placed beside an item to show it has been noted, examined, or verified 8 : exposure of a chess king to an attack from which he must be protected or moved to safety with his king in check 9 [Middle English chek, short for cheker checker] a : a pattern in squares that resembles a checkerboard bordered her plain shower curtain with a check in coordinating bathroom colors b : a fabric woven or printed with such a design Fashionable checks come in all sizes and colors in both twill and square weaves. 10 : crack, break 11 archaic : reprimand, rebuke checkless ˈchek-ləs adjective check 3 of 3interjection —used to express assent or agreement check into phraseas in explore to search through or into The principal assured parents that he would check into reports of damaged play structures in the schoolyard. Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance
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