

单词 faker


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ˈfāk How to pronounce fake (audio)
faker; fakest
: not true, real, or genuine : counterfeit, sham
He was wearing a fake mustache.
She held up the bowl to the window light and smiled her fakest smile yet … Lee Durkee
From the well-known to the unknown, fake news, misinformation and hate rhetoric are causing harm to many individuals. Dolar Popat


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noun (1)

: one that is not what it purports to be: such as
: a worthless imitation passed off as genuine
The signature was a fake.
: impostor, charlatan
He told everyone that he was a lawyer, but he was just a fake.
: a simulated movement in a sports contest (such as a pretended kick, pass, or jump or a quick movement in one direction before going in another) designed to deceive an opponent
: a device or apparatus used by a magician to achieve the illusion of magic in a trick


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verb (1)

faked; faking

transitive verb

: to alter, manipulate, or treat so as to give a spuriously (see spurious sense 2) genuine appearance to : doctor
faked the lab results
: counterfeit, simulate, concoct
faked a heart attack
: to deceive (an opponent) in a sports contest by means of a fake (see fake entry 2 sense c)
: improvise, ad-lib
whistle a few bars … and I'll fake the rest Robert Sylvester

intransitive verb

: to engage in faking something : pretend
sometimes used with it
if you don't have the answers, fake it
: to give a fake to an opponent
The runner faked left and then cut to the right.
faker noun
ˈfā-k(ə-)rē How to pronounce fake (audio)


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noun (2)

: one loop of a coil (as of ship's rope or a fire hose) coiled free for running


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verb (2)

faked; faking

transitive verb

: to coil in fakes



  • artificial
  • bogus
  • dummy
  • ersatz
  • factitious
  • false
  • faux
  • imitation
  • imitative
  • man-made
  • mimic
  • mock
  • pretend
  • sham
  • simulated
  • substitute
  • synthetic

Noun (1)

  • counterfeit
  • forgery
  • hoax
  • humbug
  • phony
  • phoney
  • sham

Verb (1)

  • counterfeit
  • forge
  • phony
See all Synonyms & Antonyms

Example Sentences

Adjective That blood is clearly fake. He was wearing a fake mustache.

Word History



derivative of fake entry 2

Note: Not recorded as an adjective before 1879. The supposed use by the British general Richard Howe in a dispatch from Boston to the Secretary of State dated December 3, 1775 ("So many artifices have been practiced upon Strangers under the appearance of Friendship, fake Pilots &c."; Report Concerning Canadian Archives for the Year 1904, Ottawa, 1905, p. 355) is most likely a misreading (perhaps for faux or false?).

Noun (1)

derivative of fake entry 3

Verb (1)

originally underworld argot, of uncertain origin

Note: The verb fake perhaps first appears in print, in the form faik, in 1810. In James Hardy Vaux's "A New and Comprehensive Vocabulary of the Flash Language" (vol. 2 of Hardy's Memoirs, London, 1819), it receives a very general definition: "a word so variously used, that I can only illustrate it by a few examples. To fake any person or place, may signify to rob them; to fake a person, may also imply to shoot, wound, or cut; to fake a man out and out, is to kill him; a man who inflicts wounds upon, or otherwise disfigures, himself, for any sinister purpose, is said to have faked himself … to fake a screeve, is to write a letter, or other paper; to fake a screw, is to shape out a skeleton or false key, for the purpose of screwing a particular place; to fake a cly, is to pick a pocket; etc., etc., etc." (p. 170). However, Hardy also records bit-faking "coining base money" and both Vaux and the earlier Lexicon Balatronicum (London, 1811, a revision of Francis Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, 1785) record fakement in the sense "forgery." so the sense "to simulate, counterfeit" was perhaps part of its original meaning. Much earlier is the agent noun faker, defined as "maker" in a list of "Canting Terms used by Beggars, Vagabonds, Cheaters, Cripples and Bedlams." in Randle Holme's The Academy of Armory (Chester, 1688) (a book about heraldry that includes a miscellany of information having nothing to do with heraldry). Along with faker Holme lists Ben-Fakers, "Counterfeiters of Passes and Seals" (ben is defined as "good"). This expression occurs earlier as ben-feaker in Thomas Dekker's pamphlet on cant, O per se O. Or A new cryer of Lanthorne and candle-light (London, 1612): "Of Ben-feakers of Jybes …They who are Counterfeiters of Passeports, are called Ben-feakers , that is to say, Good-Makers." (It is possible that Holme simply copied his entries from Dekker.) The noun feaker/faker implies a corresponding verb feak/fake "make," for which there appears to be no certain evidence. There is feague, fegue "to beat, whip" (earliest in the compound bumfeage) and "to wear out, bring about the ruin of," which are colloquial—the second sense is only attested in Restoration drama—but not argot, and which have a voiced velar consonant (aside from a single occurrence of a participle feakt). A suggestion dating back to Nathan Bailey's An Universal Etymological English Dictionary (4th edition, 1728) is that this word is borrowed from Dutch vegen "to sweep"; compare also German fegen "to wipe, clean, sweep." For further discussion see Anatoly Liberman, "A fake etymology of the word fake," OUPblog, August 23, 2017.

Noun (2)

probably derivative of fake entry 5

Verb (2)

Middle English faken, of obscure origin

First Known Use


1879, in the meaning defined above

Noun (1)

1829, in the meaning defined above

Verb (1)

1819, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1

Noun (2)

1627, in the meaning defined above

Verb (2)

15th century, in the meaning defined above

Kids Definition

fake 1 of 3


ˈfāk How to pronounce fake (audio)
: not true or real
The fake spider frightened me.


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: a person or thing that is not really what is pretended
The diamond is a fake.


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faked; faking
: pretend sense 2
faking surprise
: to change or treat in a way that gives a false effect
She faked the test results.
: to imitate in order to deceive
fake a signature



as in fake
one who makes false claims of identity or expertise the medium was exposed as a faker who was herself making the strange noises that she claimed were from the dead

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • fake
  • fraud
  • sham
  • pretender
  • deceiver
  • impostor
  • charlatan
  • phony
  • quack
  • misleader
  • imposter
  • mountebank
  • counterfeiter
  • hoaxer
  • phoney
  • actor
  • fakir
  • ringer
  • operator
  • imitator
  • quacksalver
  • humbug
  • impersonator
  • dissembler
  • sharper
  • copycat
  • swindler
  • poseur
  • skinner
  • mimic
  • trickster
  • fraudster
  • scammer
  • feigner
  • duper
  • bluffer
  • dodger
  • defrauder
  • scamster
  • cozener
  • sharpy
  • sharpie

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • master
  • virtuoso
  • expert
  • professional
  • maestro
  • ace
  • wizard
  • authority
  • past master
  • adept
  • whiz
  • crackerjack
  • crackajack
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